Research projects

Filtering by: Institute for Climate Resilience

Germ of Life: Digital Drought Risk Management enabling the drought mitigation and adaptation strategies for the restoration of the ecosystem equilibrium in Mediterranean European Countries

The Germ of Life project aims at developing, test and uptake a drought risk management preventive approach based on a set of jointly developed and adapted solutions based on: (i) newly available data, (ii) drought risk prediction for the territorial monitoring systems and timely warning of drought conditions, (iii) a vulnerability assessment tool enhancing the coordination and cooperation of stakeholders, and (iv) an innovation procurement platform for innovative NBS and technological solutions supporting risk-adaptation strategies.

GreenHeritage: The impact of Climate Change on the Intangible Cultural Heritage

GreenHeritage aims at developing a holistic, innovative and inclusive approach toward direct and indirect climate change (CC) impact on intangible cultural heritage (ICH), a topic which has received little or no attention at all. GreenHeritage is a large-scale project that fosters innovation through practice, by researching and adopting a new methodology that touches on different sectors, and policy, by disseminating research findings and impacting policies at national and European levels. The project will be implemented in 5 European countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Spain).

interTwin – An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for Science

interTwin co-designs and implements the prototype of an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine (DTE), an open-source platform that provides generic and tailored software components for modelling and simulation to integrate application-specific Digital Twins (DTs). Its specifications and implementation are based on a co-designed conceptual model – the DTE blueprint architecture – guided by the principles of open standards and interoperability. The ambition is to develop a common approach to the implementation of DTs that is applicable across the whole spectrum of scientific disciplines and beyond to facilitate developments and collaboration.  Co-design involves DT use cases for High energy physics, Radio astronomy, Astroparticle physics, Climate research, and Environmental monitoring, whose complex requirements are expected to significantly advance the state of the art of modelling and simulation using heterogeneous distributed digital infrastructures, advanced workflow composition, real-time data management and processing, quality and uncertainty tracing of models, data fusion and analytics. As a result, a consolidation of software technologies supporting research will emerge.  The validation of the technology with multiple infrastructure facilities will boost the accessibility of users to technological capacity and the support of AI uptake in research. interTwin builds on the capacities of experts from pan-European research infrastructures and the long tail of science, an Open-Source Community of technology providers that will deliver TRL 6/7 capabilities to implement the interdisciplinary DTE, experts of the European Centre of Excellence in Exascale Computing, and infrastructure providers from the EGI Federation, PRACE and EuroHPC supporting data and compute intensive science. interTwin key exploitable results will

Invest4Nature – Promoting investments in NBS and accelerating market uptake by gaining a better understanding of the economic performance of NBS, considering climate mitigation and risk reduction

Currently there is a range of Nature-based solutions (NBS) emerging mostly with strong public funding elements, but a market for NBS has not yet emerged. While mostly small scale NBS are implemented as pilots for urban resilience to climate change the full range of economic and societal benefits for NBS are not systematically understood and mapped and are not sufficiently used to back the business and investment case for NBS. The numerous benefits may include mitigation and adaptation to climate change (including the reduction of urban heat island effect and flood mitigation), reduction of pollution, improved biodiversity and ecosystem services, increased well-being for citizens, including physical and mental health or recreation, social cohesion, and community building. While effort for climate change mitigation and adaptation are increasing, the role of NBS in this context is not well understood. In particular, risk reduction of NBS for the private and public insurance sector has not yet been systematically included in economic valuation of NBS. Holistic understanding of benefits and benefit flows however are important for the society including upscaling and maximising the benefits achievable with NBS and activation financing for NBS. 

IRIDE (Precursor phase)

The IRIDE program is an innovative project undertaken by the Italian government, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), to leverage resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).  The objective of the project is to implement a service portfolio, ready for operations, providing Geospatial Products and to set up the digital tools and the operational scenarios for the provision of the services to IRIDE users, by also taking care of designing and developing suitable exploitation solutions and interfaces with User Operational Systems exploiting the IRIDE Services outputs.  As a result, IRIDE Marketplace will host the service value chains developed within the Service Segment and guarantee a single access point for the Users. 

MaCoBioS – Marine Coastal Ecosystems Biodiversity and Services in a Changing World

MaCoBioS contributes to improve the biological and ecological knowledge on the spatio-temporal dynamics of marine biodiversity response to CC and the modelling of marine coastal socio-ecological systems in the context of Nature based Solutions (NBSs). Overall, this leads to strengthened management and conservation strategies of European marine natural capital in line with the work of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and the IPCC among others.

MAPRISER: Climatic Hazard Mapping for National Electrical System Risk Analysis

The increase in the frequency of critical meteorological events, observed in recent years in our country, calls for an expanding research effort to support the enhancement of resilience in the Italian national electrical system. In this context, it becomes imperative to identify high-risk areas, where network infrastructures are particularly exposed to such events. This analysis serves as a foundation for implementing targeted interventions aimed at preventing and reducing the risks of power interruptions. To achieve this goal, climatic data will be evaluated with a convection-permitting resolution, recently made available by the CMCC Foundation for Italy. Additionally, post-processing methods will be developed to make this information usable in Terna’s decision-making systems, further optimizing their effectiveness

MULTICLIMACT: MULTI-faceted CLIMate adaptation ACTions to improve resilience, preparedness and responsiveness of the built environment against multiple hazards at multiple scales

The MULTICLIMACT European project was funded under topic HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02-01. This project aims to enhance the resilience of built environment and its inhabitants in the face of changing climate conditions and increased extreme events. MULTICLIMACT want to realize a comprehensive framework and toolkit to assess and bolster resilience at various scales, considering both natural hazards and supply-chain vulnerabilities.

NATURANCE – Nature for insurance, and insurance for nature

NATURANCE is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme. It will examine technical, financial and operational feasibility and performance of solutions that are built upon and combine disaster risk financing & investments with nature-based solutions. 

NBRACER: Nature Based Solutions for Atlantic Regional Climate Resilience

NBRACER is a project funded by HORIZON Europe Research and Innovation actions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission (HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01). NBRACER aims at accelerating the transformation towards climate resilient regions that are safe, green, clean and healthy by means of an innovative and practical approach, by working across sectors and disciplines, experimenting and involving local communities. 

NEVERMORE: New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling appRoach towards a climatE neutral and resilient society

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on Climate Change 2021 is a “code red for humanity” according to the UN Secretary-General. It is thus essential to work on a climate resilient society. This entails both climate neutrality and mitigation of those impacts of climate change that are making themselves felt already. The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of improved translations of scientific insights into policy and social practice.

NEXOGENESIS – Facilitating the next generation of effective and intelligent water-related policies utilising artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to assess the water-energy-food ecosystem (WEFE) nexus

Water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (nexus) dominated by complexity and modulated by climatic and socio-economic drivers. Resource constraints, and their interconnectedness could hamper economic development, including optimal trade, market and policy solutions. NEXOGENESIS offers a coherent WEFE nexus framework for the assessment of potential impact pathways of implementing new policy objectives (WFD, RED, CAP, SDGs, Paris Agreement) in the nexus, including: (i) biophysical and socio-economic modelling; (ii) stakeholder engagement together with; (iii) validation of NEXOGENESIS outputs and; (iv) use of the latest artificial intelligence techniques.

NODES – Nord-Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile

NODES is an Innovation Ecosystem structured in a way such as to guarantee interdisciplinarity among its diverse themes and cross-fertilization of digital-driven technology and innovation.

NUBICOS: New Users for a Better ICOS

The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) is a fully operational European Landmark research infrastructure providing standardised high-precision observations on greenhouse gases and their fluxes. The ICOS infrastructure is currently covering 16 countries with 170 stations. In this project, we will work with new users for ICOS data from satellite and modeling communities and prepare products for policymakers. We are improving sustainability of ICOS by streamlining the data pipelines and strengthening the community engagement including new members. In addition to data, ICOS is producing protocols and processes, which are now needed for the global greenhouse gases (GHG) initiative coordinated by World Meteorological Organization (WMO), thus strengthening the European leadership in it. NUBICOS will focus on four specific objectives: 1. The cooperation between ICOS and the remote sensing community will be deepened. 2. The value chain from observations to climate services will be improved. 3. The internal engagement of ICOS and the identity of the ICOS community will be strengthened. 4. The global cooperation of ICOS, particularly in the WMO framework, will be intensified.

OEMC: Open-Earth-Monitor Cyberinfrastructure

The EU-funded OEMC project will provide the open-Earth-monitor cyberinfrastructure to accelerate Europe’s capability to process high-quality, user-friendly, environmental information, based on Earth observation (EO) data. The developed cyber-infrastructure will be secured in FAIR data principles and existing platforms related to EO will be leveraged to a higher level. This will allow the monitoring of essential biodiversity indicators and the registering of natural capital accounts for private and public sectors, allowing businesses to improve their competitive advantage through the EU Green Deal and European citizens to have a better quality of life.

PAUL – Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes – towards integrated city observatories for greenhouse gases

PAUL project supports the European Green Deal by creating capabilities to observe and verify greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from densely populated urban areas across Europe. Cities are recognized as important anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission hotspots and therefore play a significant role in any emission reduction efforts. The PAUL project aims to increase our understanding of specific needs of GHG emission assessment in urban environment; it compares available and novel observational approaches and implements an integrated concept for a city observatory, providing unique data sets that feed diverse modelling approaches, scientific studies and will be the base of services towards the city administrations.

PEERS – Peer Review of the Disaster Risk Management

The objective of PEERS is to implement, over a period of 58 months (2020-2024) a programme of peer reviews targeting a maximum of five countries wishing to have their disaster risk management/civil protection system reviewed. The programme will allow for peer reviews of a country’s civil protection/disaster risk management system and policies and/or specific aspects/issues of civil protection/disaster risk management put forward by the reviewed country (e.g. with focus on particular types of risks and/or certain geographical areas, risk assessment, risk management capability assessments, legislative framework for disaster risk management, prevention and/or preparedness strategies, etc.). The peer review process will also foster policy dialogue, improve coherence and steer progress in critical areas for the EU cooperation on civil protection and disaster risk management.

PIISA: Piloting Innovative Insurance Solutions for Adaptation

PIISA is a project funded by HORIZON Europe RIA (Research and Innovation Action) aiming to develop and deploy a range of insurance innovations that incite households and firms to adapt proactively and sufficiently for their own sake and their neighborhood’s sake. PIISA incites public authorities to set up adaptation and create adaptation promoting conditions. PIISA co-develops climate resilient insurance portfolios and develops solutions for sharing losses and climate risk data.


The project proposes a multidisciplinary approach involving different national environmental protection system (SNPA) and national health prevention system of environmental and climate risks (SNPS) structures from 5 regions (Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Latium, Apulia and Sicily), as well as national health, weather and air quality scientific experts, communication experts, active citizenship associations with the aim to realize the overall objective of accelerating climate change adaptation and mitigation in urban areas, with a focus on urban green areas and sustainable mobility, and to increase, at the same time, knowledge and awareness and promote a change in citizens’ lifestyles and policies associated with major direct and indirect co-benefits at all levels: citizens, policy makers, schools, SNPA and SNPS operators. Evidence-based measures will be promoted starting from the best practices of national and international plans, policies and interventions with a focus on sustainable transport and combating urban heat island (UHI) and high temperatures. A specific focus will be devoted to vulnerability factors (clinical frailty and social vulnerability) and adaptation measures associated with social equity. 

PNRR-HPC – “SPOKE 4 EARTH & CLIMATE”: National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing

Within Spoke 4, the scientific activity of CMCC, and of the Spoke affiliated partners, will be mainly aimed at developing a shared interdisciplinary framework for advanced Earth System Models and numerical experimentations. The framework will be focused on digital infrastructures and efficient workflows to streamline the production, facilitate the training, accelerate the understanding, and improve the quality of climate simulations and predictions.

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