
What we do

NEXOGENESIS – Facilitating the next generation of effective and intelligent water-related policies utilising artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to assess the water-energy-food ecosystem (WEFE) nexus

Water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (nexus) dominated by complexity and modulated by climatic and socio-economic drivers. Resource constraints, and their interconnectedness could hamper economic development, including optimal trade, market and policy solutions. NEXOGENESIS offers a coherent WEFE nexus framework for the assessment of potential impact pathways of implementing new policy objectives (WFD, RED, CAP, SDGs, Paris Agreement) in the nexus, including: (i) biophysical and socio-economic modelling; (ii) stakeholder engagement together with; (iii) validation of NEXOGENESIS outputs and; (iv) use of the latest artificial intelligence techniques.

PEERS – Peer Review of the Disaster Risk Management

The objective of PEERS is to implement, over a period of 58 months (2020-2024) a programme of peer reviews targeting a maximum of five countries wishing to have their disaster risk management/civil protection system reviewed. The programme will allow for peer reviews of a country’s civil protection/disaster risk management system and policies and/or specific aspects/issues of civil protection/disaster risk management put forward by the reviewed country (e.g. with focus on particular types of risks and/or certain geographical areas, risk assessment, risk management capability assessments, legislative framework for disaster risk management, prevention and/or preparedness strategies, etc.). The peer review process will also foster policy dialogue, improve coherence and steer progress in critical areas for the EU cooperation on civil protection and disaster risk management.

PIISA: Piloting Innovative Insurance Solutions for Adaptation

PIISA is a project funded by HORIZON Europe RIA (Research and Innovation Action) aiming to develop and deploy a range of insurance innovations that incite households and firms to adapt proactively and sufficiently for their own sake and their neighborhood’s sake. PIISA incites public authorities to set up adaptation and create adaptation promoting conditions. PIISA co-develops climate resilient insurance portfolios and develops solutions for sharing losses and climate risk data.

RescueME – Equitable RESilience solutions to strengthen the link between CUltural landscapEs and coMmunitiEs

RescueME is a project funded by the European Commission. RescueME will develop, test and demonstrate the effectiveness of an Actionable Framework based on the Resilient Historical Landscape approach (RHL) complemented by data, models, methods, and tools able to assess risks and opportunities, co-develop inclusive and just resilience strategies and innovative solutions to protect European cultural heritage and cultural landscapes from climate change, disaster risk, as well as other stressors (such as pollution and over-tourism) with special focus on European coastal landscapes.

SEA-LIMITHS: Sea Level Rise Impacts on Italian Hospitality

SEA-LIMITHS is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Project. The aim of this project is to investigate the impacts and economic consequences of sea level rise on sandy beaches and beach hospitality losses owing to beach erosion and flooding in Italy.

TRANSCEND – Transformational and Robust AdaptatioN to water Scarcity and ClimatE chaNge under Deep uncertainty

TRANSCEND is a project funded by HORIZON Innovation Actions whose main area of research is the identification of Transformational Adaptation Policies (TAP) to water scarcity. TAP will be implemented in 7 labs: Júcar River Basin (RB) (Spain); Reno RB (Italy); Tympaki RB (Greece); Nitra RB (Slovakia); Caplina-Mauri-Desaguadero RB (Peru, Chile & Bolivia); Orontes RB (Lebanon, Syria & Turkey); and Mahanadi RB (Indian states of Chhattisgarh & Odisha). TRANSCEND will leverage this diverse set of demonstrators to initiate adoption of the ecosystem of innovation in 8+ inspiration labs, train 160+ transformation agents, and mainstream uncertainty analysis in key national and European Green Deal strategies. This will provide the knowledge and tools to catalyze robust and systemic transformations to water scarcity and climate change globally, with a clear impact pathway towards TAP adoption in 100+ basins by 2030.

TRANSFORMAR – Accelerating and upscaling transformational adaptation in Europe: demonstration of water-related innovation packages

TransformAr aims to develop and demonstrate solutions and pathways to achieve rapid and far-reaching transformational adaptation across the EU. Cross-sectoral and multi-scale innovation packages, as the combination of solutions and pathways, will support regions and communities in their societal transformation towards climate change resilience. Transformational adaptation (TA) will be triggered by a co-innovation process that will co-create transformational adaptation pathways for six demonstrator regions and communities in Europe.

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