The objective of MILES project is to improve modelling capacity in developing countries and to reinforce international cooperation between the participating countries, representing together a significant share of the global GHG emissions.
36 months from 03/09/2014 to 02/09/2017
36 months from 03/09/2014 to 02/09/2017
General aims
To strengthen the economic modelling capacity of developing countries and to develop an evidence-based dialogue between all beneficiary countries on low-emission development pathways, fully involving developing countries partners.
Second Beneficiary
Expected results
- A better representation of the beneficiary countries, of their relationships with other countries and of their integration in the global economy in the modeling tools used by the beneficiary countries to prepare their national low-emission development strategies;
- Scientific products (papers, presentations, datasets…) on preparing low-emission development strategies;
- Reinforced links amongst modeling experts and practitioners involved in preparing national low-emission development strategies in the beneficiary countries.
- Improve existing modelling tools so as to represent better the challenges for the beneficiary countries to realise their transition to low-emission development. Especially: improve the representation of countries, policies, technologies, economic parameters in the models used by beneficiary countries.
- Reinforce modeling capacity in the beneficiary countries with the least developed capacity. For instance: organize training, exchanges or mentoring of experts across teams involved; enable contacts, information exchange, access to data between experts.
- Develop modelling scenarios of interest to the beneficiary countries reflecting on low-emission development opportunities, analyse these scenarios in the improved models both at national and global scale.
- Contribute to develop international modelling comparison exercises and develop international exchanges of views with relevant experts and practitioners.
- Organise relevant and efficient ways to share information and lessons learnt from the other activities of the project with peers and policy makers, including with a view on informing the discussions under the UNFCCC, most notably in the context of the Conference of Parties in 2015.
- ERI - Energy Research Institute of NDRC
- RUC - Renmin University of China
- TU - Tsinghua University
- TERI - The Energy and Resources Institute
- IIM - Indian Institute of Management
- COPPE - Centro Clima, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- PNNL - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- NIES - National Institute of Environmental Studies
- ICCS - Institute of Communication and Computer Systems
- RITE - The Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth
- IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- CLU - The Earth Institute, Columbia University
- CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change