IS-ENES3 – InfraStructure for the European Network for the Earth System Modelling – Phase 3

What we do
IS-ENES3 – InfraStructure for the European Network for the Earth System Modelling – Phase 3

IS-ENES is a key research infrastructure for climate modelling. It is actually the distributed infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES) that serves the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change.

48 Months from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2022
Funded by
  • EU H2020

Coordinating organization
  • CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

General objectives After its first two phases, IS-ENES3 will deliver the third phase of the distributed e-infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES). Joint research will support a new community sea ice model, promote the efficient use of high- performance computing, improve the European common model evaluation framework, and develop and enhance services on data. Networking will grow the user base, increase the cohesion of the climate modelling community, promote innovation and prepare for a long-term sustainable infrastructure in support of climate modelling. IS-ENES3 will support climate research, climate impact science, and the climate services industry, it will find innovative ways of working with the Copernicus programme and with the high-performance computing and data analytics industries. It will deliver the European part of the Earth System Grid Federation and a central point of entry to services providing access to new data, software, models and tools.


  1. IS-ENES3 will pursue the integration of the Earth’s climate system modelling community and will prepare the sustainability of its infrastructure
  2. IS-ENES3 will foster the common development of models and tools, and the efficient use of HPC
  3. IS-ENES3 will support the exploitation of model data by the Earth system science community, the climate change impact community and the climate service community.

The three IS-ENES3 objectives target these goals specifically: integrating and widening the scope of community support for both academia and industry; developing community access to software and HPC infrastructure via shared model components development and documentation; maintaining data facilities based on national resources which are exposed both within the international ESGF global federation and transnational service.


In IS-ENES3, CMCC will contribute to community engagement (WP3/NA2) by supporting the set-up of a school on Climate Data Science. In WP4/NA3 about networking on models, tools and efficient use of HPC, CMCC contribution will foster the growth of a new community around the development of the sea-ice modelling in NEMO and support the performance evaluation of Complex Coupled Systems; finally, it will track the technology trend specifically concerning the use of machine learning in climate modelling. As regards networking on data and model evaluation (WP5/NA4), CMCC will contribute to the definition of an architecture for new Data Services, by defining the European priorities for ESGF and establishing the roadmap of an INNOVATIVE compute service. CMCC will also be involved in data and metadata service and developments (WP7/SA2). As far as the Joint research activities are concerned, CMCC will co-lead models & tools developments (WP8/JRA1) by improving the computational performance of the NEMO model and developing the unified platform for the sea-ice modelling. Moreover, it will be the lead beneficiary of the Climate Data Infrastructure software stack developments (WP10/JRA3) by designing the processing and analytics compute layer for CMIP6 and CORDEX as well as the core data distribution service. Finally, CMCC will also contribute to the Earth System model evaluation developments (WP9/JRA2) through ESMValTool.

Expected results

By sharing infrastructure, expertise and developments, IS-ENES3 will continue to strengthen collaborations within the European climate modelling community. This approach is needed to increase the overall efficiency of the community and its international influence. The climate modelling community is better developed in Western Europe; IS-ENES3 will target a stronger involvement of Eastern and South-eastern Europe and will benefit from existing networks dealing with the impacts of climate change. Moreover, with a work package dedicated to widening the user base and improving the connection with the users’ needs, IS-ENES3 will enhance the European impact on climate research. Delivering on these objectives will serve not only the scientific community, but provide an optimal route to maximising the European investment in understanding and adapting to climate change.


The work plan of IS-ENES3 is organized in 10 work packages, 4 network activities, 3 joint research activities, 2 service activities and one for project management. The network activities work packages are aimed at the integration of the community and pave the way for sustainability through the relationships with stakeholder partners and governance. Moreover, network activities will lead the IS-ENES3 strategy on innovation, by widening the user base through training, engaging the community in co-constructing standards and expressing needs, as well as engaging the younger generation in interdisciplinary approaches. Finally, the NAs work packages will look for new ways to exploit available hardware and software technologies, besides focusing on data dissemination and timely access to all kinds of information relevant to the climate research community and a broad portion of the impact community. The joint research activities will focus on the development of a unified European platform for Sea Ice to be implemented within NEMO, as well as the development of additional community tools, the improvement of the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool (ESMValTool) and the optimization of the NEMO ocean model. Moreover, part of the activities will address key software components related to the data infrastructure, such as data distribution, processing, vocabulary management, documentation and impact study tools. Finally, the service activities will be devoted to providing operational support to the climate and climate impact research communities and other communities that make use of the data and tools provided by IS-ENES3. In addition, the activities will be aimed at ensuring easy access to information, in order to provide interfaces between ESM developers and users, and to define the processes for model development and usage.

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