IRIDE (Precursor phase)

The IRIDE program is an innovative project undertaken by the Italian government, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), to leverage resources from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). 

The objective of the project is to implement a service portfolio, ready for operations, providing Geospatial Products and to set up the digital tools and the operational scenarios for the provision of the services to IRIDE users, by also taking care of designing and developing suitable exploitation solutions and interfaces with User Operational Systems exploiting the IRIDE Services outputs. 

As a result, IRIDE Marketplace will host the service value chains developed within the Service Segment and guarantee a single access point for the Users. 

General aims

The main objectives of this procurement are to design, develop, validate, integrate and deliver all the components of IRIDE Service Segment and to identify (and interface) the external User Operational Systems where outputs of IRIDE Service Value Chains will be integrated and exploited by the end users.

CMCC Scientific leader
LOT 1 and 4 Giovanni Coppini ; LOT 3 Manuela Balzarolo 

Project manager
LOT 1 and 4 Jelena Shihhaleva ; LOT 3 Linda Cupelli

Funded by 
Italian government, ESA (European Space Agency)

CMCC role
CMCC is involved into the LOT 1, LOT 3 and LOT 4 of IRIDE program.
In the frame of LOT 1 CMCC is a Product Manager of following SVCs : 

  • SE-S1-01 Coastal Monitoring and Forecast – Wide Areas
  • SE-S1-02 Coastal Monitoring and Forecast – Specific Areas
  • SE-S5-01 Hydro-meteorological mapping and monitoring atmospheric structure.
  • SE-S5-04 Lightening Monitoring 
  • SE-S5-02 Pilot User for Monitoring of greenhouse gases and other Essential Climate Variables (ECVs).

CMCC is responsible for development, design, integration, and delivery of all the components of IRIDE Service Segment for the Service Thematic Domains. 
In the frame of LOT 3 CMCC has a role of External Service Provider and is responsible of the design and development of the SVC SE-S04-13 ‘Erosion Risk Assessment’ and is involved in the SE-S04-09 ‘Fire Damage Assessment’ for the production of the ‘GHG emissions from forest fires’ map.
In the frame of LOT 4 CMCC is contributing to the SVC SE-08-03 Oil spills and Sea pollution management.

The Precursor phase duration is 15 months. The activities are grouped mainly into following tasks:
Task 1 – Service Portfolio Design 
Task 2 – Service Segment Design 
Task 3 – Service Segment development and integration 
Task 4 – Service Validation and User Uptake 
Task 5 – Geospatial Products Generation and Delivery 
Task 6 – Benefits Assessment and Service Segment Evolution 
Task 7 – Security activities 
Task 8 – Management 

Coordinating organization   
LOT 1 and LOT 3 Planetek Italia srl ; LOT 4 e-Geos



  • CGI Italia s.r.l
  • CIMA (Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale)
  • E-GEOS
  • MEEO- Meteorological Environmental Earth Observation 


  • E-GEOS
  • SAM (Società Aerospaziale Mediterranea)
  • CGI Italia s.r.l


  • Planetek Italia Srl
  • NHAZCA (Natural Hazards Control And Assessment)
  • CIMA (Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale)
  • ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action)
  • CGI Italia s.r.l 
  • ARESYS s.r.l Advanced REmote-sensing SYStems
  • MEEO (Meteorological Environmental Earth Observation)

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