EUR-OCEANS – European Network of excellence for Ocean Ecosystems Analysis

36 months from 01/01/2005 to 01/01/2008
Funded by
  • European Commission - 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6)

General aims

To achieve lasting integration of European research organisations on global change and pelagic marine ecosystems and the relevant scientific disciplines.

  • Integrating activities on : networking, data, and model integration;
  • Jointly executed research, organised around four broad modelling tasks (together with observations and experiments) on : (i) pelagic ecosystems end-to-end, (ii) biogeochemistry, (iii) ecosystem approach to marine resources and (iv) within-system integration;
  • Activities to spread excellence, targeted at three different groups: (i) Researchers: training and education ; (ii) Socio-economic users of the knowledge resulting from the Network’s research activities (these include the community of climate modellers involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the marine resources management community); (iii) European public: public outreach through the Association of Aquaria for EUR-OCEANS public outreach, which is a Member Organisation of the EUR-OCEANS Network.

  • ISMAL - Institut des Sciences de la Mer et de l'Aménagement du Littoral
  • VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • ULB - Universite Libre de Bruxelles
  • ULg - Université de Liège
  • COPAS - Centro de Investigacion Oceanográfica en el Pacifico Sur-Oriental, Universidad de Concepcion
  • DIFRES - Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
  • NERI - National Environmental Research Institute
  • UAAR - University of Aarthus
  • MEI - Tartu Uelikool, Eesti Mereinstitut

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