EDITO-Model Lab, Underlying models for the European DIgital Twin Ocean – EDITO-Model Lab

What we do
EDITO-Model Lab, Underlying models for the European DIgital Twin Ocean – EDITO-Model Lab

EDITO-Model Lab will prepare the next generation of ocean models, complementary to Copernicus Marine Service to be integrated into the EU public infrastructure of the European Digital Twin Ocean that will ensure access to required input and validation data (from EMODnet, EuroGOOS, ECMWF, Copernicus Services and Sentinels satellite observations) and to high performance and distributed computing facilities (from EuroHPC for High Performance Computing and other cloud computing resources) and that will be consolidated under developments of Destination Earth (DestinE). 

36 months from 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2025
Funded by
  • European Commission - HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-05-01

Coordinating organization

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions
CMCC Centers

General aims

The objective of the project is to make ocean knowledge available to citizens, entrepreneurs, policymakers, decision-makers and scientific experts alike, thus enabling them to become partners in knowledge generation, explore desirable futures and develop ocean management scenarios (and assemble their own twins), with the overarching goal of ensuring a safe, healthy and productive ocean. As an interactive and user driven initiative, EDITO-Model Lab will deliver a Virtual Ocean Model Lab including (1) a core model suite including global high resolution models and coastal configurations, (2) downstream user toolkits and (3) a developer’s toolkit for a sustainable ocean. 
In particular, EDITO-Model Lab will:

  • Integrate new modelling capabilities in a core ocean model suite 
  • Develop an open science Virtual Ocean Model Lab to exploit digital ocean through new technologies and new methodologies 
  • Provide advanced and efficient integration of the different components of the ocean core model suite in the “EU public DTO platform” 
  • Upgrade ocean simulations, analyses and forecasts providing flexible access to new core data sets 
  • Demonstrate capability of the core model suite to carry out Focus Applications (FA) and What- if Scenarios (WiS) 
  • Support uptake and communication towards scientific, intermediate and end users

CMCC role
CMCC is leading WP3 Models for the Digital Twin of the Ocean and works on the consolidation of existing numerical models for hydrodynamics and waves and develop the next generation of ocean model configurations optimised for European HPC hardware and the Digital Twin usage. CMCC will advance with the model relocability tools including graphical user interfaces.  Furthermore, a key role will be played by CMCC in the development of the Focus Applications (MPAs for Biodiversity, Ship routes for Zero Carbon and Zero Pollution) and the What-If Scenarios (Nature-based Solution and Marine plastic for Zero pollution).

The Virtual Ocean Model Lab will be an interactive and co-development environment to operate models. The core model suite will be based on modelling and simulation software, artificial intelligence algorithms and specialised tools to form a new service capacity for accessing, manipulating, analysing and understanding marine information. Intermediate and downstream stakeholders will find digital tools, data and information for ‘focus applications’ that refer to the Mission Lighthouses and the sustainable Blue economy, including ‘what-if scenarios’ to find solutions to natural and man-induced hazards.

Expected results: 

  • Large diversity of ocean models, configurations and reference databases
  • Core model suite including a Virtual Ocean Model Lab 
  • Share and co-develop of models and tools 
  • Test cases and concrete examples with Focus Applications and What-if Scenarios 

Project manager:
Jelena Shihhaleva


  • Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) 
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 
  • Stichting Deltares (Deltares)
  • Universita Di Bologna (UniBO)
  • Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI) 
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Hereon) 
  • Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico (CINECA) 
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) 
  • Sistema de Observación Costero de las Illes Balears (SOCIB) 
  • Stiftelsen Nansensenteret for Miljö og Fjernmåling (NERSC) 
  • +ATLANTIC – Associação para um Laboratório Colaborativo do Atlântico (+ATLANTIC) 


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