DesirMED is a project funded by HORIZON Europe Research and Innovation actions in support of the implementation of the Adaptation to Climate Change Mission (HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01). DesirMED aims at increasing ambition, ownership and capability of regional Mediterranean leaders and communities through proven transformative climate change adaptation approaches prioritizing nature based solutions. To this aim DesirMED involves a multi-level set of actors in 5 Demonstrating regions and 3 Replicating Regions working hand-in-hand with scientific partners to foster holistic approaches to implement transformative adaptation. By engaging at the regional level key institutions in a multi-level governance framework, it will act as a catalyzer to trigger and accelerate the necessary actions to increase regional climate resilience over the long run.
General aims
General objectives
DesirMED’s main objective is to strengthen knowledge and capabilities of Med regions and communities to take leadership and ownership in their transformative Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) pathways and accelerate the implementation of transformative solutions required to increase their resilience over the long-term. Under regional Transformative Adaptation Journeys (TAJs), DesirMED will accelerate the adoption of multi-level and multi-actor-based portfolio of innovative solutions, prioritising NbS, by fostering the enabling conditions that support visioning, analysing, designing, testing, demonstrating, scaling, and mainstreaming (Figure 1.1a), in accordance with EU frameworks for CCA and environmental management.
CMCC role
CMCC is the coordinator of DesirMED and is involved in all 9 Work Packages.
CMCC is leader of WP4 (System Knowledge & Data & Design), WP 9 (Overall Project Management) and co-leader of WP1 (Integrated stocktaking, defining ambitions and visions) and WP5 (Governance & Engagement).
DesirMED is structured in 9 WP:
- Integrated stocktaking, defining ambitions and visions
- Testing & demonstrating portfolios of solutions
- Integrated pathways for scaling up and mainstreaming
- System knowledge & Data & Design
- Governance & engagement
- Finance, Resources& Economic systems
- Co-learning, cross-fertilization and scaling out
- Delivering value and networking across and beyond regions
- Overall Project Management
Expected results
DesirMED has set 8 specific objectives linked to expected results (ER):
- Co-create regional ambition and shared visions among key stakeholders (SHs), ensuring support and a sense of ownership across regional adaptation journeys
ER-1: SH map for involved DR&RRs; ER-2: Report on co-designed regional visions and pathways.
- Develop, test and demonstrate multiple place-based solutions for accelerating adaptation capacity to CC risks
ER-3: Report on the multi-dimensional portfolio of innovative solutions
- Identify opportunities to scale up the demonstrated portfolio of solutions and foster their mainstreaming across the Med and beyond
ER-4: Scalability Framework; ER-5: Datasets from SH engagement supporting Scalability Pathways and Plans co-design; ER-6: Report of scaling experiences in DR&RRs
- Accelerate knowledge and data exchange on Med landscapes and KCSs to support testing and demonstration of place-based solutions
ER-7: Data from stocktaking and monitoring supporting the evaluation of effectiveness indicators in landscapes and KCSs; ER-8: Innovative monitoring framework for effectiveness evaluation; ER-9: Maps of regional climate risk profiles of KCSs; ER-10: Report on tools and guidance to develop balanced portfolio
- Triggering action for just transition by co-creating and deploying innovative forms of engagement and governance
ER-11: Operationalization and catalogue of new mechanisms of improved governance, engagement, social innovation and behaviour and regulatory frameworks, and creation of the conditions needed for regional transformation; ER-12: Report on barriers and opportunities for behavioural change.
- Unlock and mobilise finance and resources to enhance momentum for climate resilient investments and regional financial risk strategies reducing climate-related loss and damage
ER-13: Comprehensive outline of the mechanisms for 3 financial instruments; ER-14: Portfolio of business models
- Accelerate transformation by building capacity for regional actors through sensemaking from demonstrated solutions, cross-fertilisation and peer-to-peer learning among DR&RRs
ER-15: A series of training modules to apply a systems innovation mind-set to regional innovative solution portfolios; ER-16: A regional learning and knowledge-sharing methodology
- Build a community of practice (CoP) and network to support and facilitate innovative solution uptake from region to region and from regions to European research agendas
ER-17: Enhanced CoP towards CC resilience and adaptation; ER-18: Network of at least 100 Climate Ambassadors
Fundacion Tecnalia Research and Innovation (TECNALIA), Spain
Inova+ Innovation Services (INOVA+), Portugal
Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis (DUTH), Greece
Climate-KIK Holding BV (CKIC), The Netherlands
Stichting Deltares (DELTARES), The Netherlands
Stichting Wageningen Research (WR), The Netherlands
Dynamic Vision (Dyn-V), Greece
BwB Connect (BwB), Ireland
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (RAS), Italy
Splitsko-dalmatinska županija (SDC), Croatia
Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (PAP/RAC), Croatia
Municipio do Fundao (FUNDAO), Portugal
Generalitat Valenciana (Valencia), Spain
Vaersa Valenciana de Aprovechamiento Energetico de Residuos (VAERSA), Spain
Medi XXI Gabinet de solucions ambientals (MEDI XXI), Spain
Perifereia Anatolikis Makedonias Kai Thrakis (REMTH), Greece
Perifereiako Tameio Anaptyxis Anatolikis Makedonias Thrakis (RDF-EMT), Greece
Energeiako Grafeio Kyprion Politon (CEA), Cyprus
Provincia di Potenza (PPT), Italy
Istituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB), Portugal
Associacao para um Centro de Estudos em desenvolvimento sustentavel (CEDES), Portugal
Comunidade Intermunicipal das Beiras e Serra de Estrela (CIM-BSE), Portugal
Dimos Pangaiou (PAGGAION), Greece
European Public Law Organisation (EPLO), Greece
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Italy
Città Ricerche Territorio Innovazione Ambiente srl (CRITERIA), Italy
Fondazione IMC Centro Marino Internazionale (IMC), Italy
University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (UNIST-FGAG), Croatia
Udruga za Prirodu Okolis i Odrzivi Razvoj Sunce (SUNCE), Croatia
Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute (CMMI), Cyprus
Conseil National Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (Regio SUD), France
Union Internationale pour la conservation de la nature et de ses ressources (UICN), France
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