The ability to forecast short-term weather accurately is essential for various sectors, such as agriculture, transportation, and energy, to name a few. In recent years, deep learning (DL) techniques have shown promising results in weather forecasting. Thanks to the availability of new datasets, such as those produced within the MISTRAL ( ) and HIGHLANDER ( ) projects, the present project aims to evaluate their potential for the development of accurate forecasts on target region projects by using DL techniques .
18 months from 03/03/2023 to 02/09/2024
General aims
General objectives
the project AI-GCM has the general objective to develop a DL model capable of providing a short-term weather forecast for specific target region. The output of the model will be of an ensemble type, which combines multiple models to produce forecasts with higher accuracy and reliability.
CMCC role
Provide a scientific support for the appropriate use of weather data available on short term forecast.
Expected results
Support the improvement of the weather forecast on the short time range on specific target areas.
Funded by
International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development (IFAB)
Coordinating organization
Illumia S.p.a.
Italia Meteo, Cineca,.