AcquaGuard is a project funded by the Italy – Croatia INTERREG Programme aimed at developing the capabilities of local and regional governments to systematically plan, integrate, and implement Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to face climate-related risks and hazards. In particular, through intensive cross-border cooperation between partners, as well as a co-creation process with all relevant stakeholders, AcquaGuard will offer a comprehensive approach for deploying NBS focused on flood prevention, to regions and cities. The cross-border cooperation will be fully leveraged within the project by developing a Decision Support Matrix for NBS prioritization and selection, capacity-building sessions, project documentation, and other joint dissemination activities.

30 months from 01/02/2024 to 31/07/2026
General aims
- Develop a climate risk database relevant to the project as well as specific risk databases for the two project regions;
- Develop a database of NBS to combat, primarily, flood risks;
- Develop and implement a Decision Support Matrix for the prioritization of actions for risk and hazard mitigation;
- Co-create prioritization strategies for flooding risk mitigation for the project regions;
- Develop studies and technical documentation for key measures and projects identified in the prioritization strategies;
- Prepare the ground for the deployment of the selected measures and project by integrating them into key strategies and planning documents on the local and regional levels;
- Identify potential funding and financing sources for the realization of the identified measures and projects;
- Build capacity with the local and regional governments in the aspects of climate change adaptation and resilience, development of climate risk profiles, and climate risk mitigation prioritization strategies;
- Engage and raise the awareness of all key stakeholders at the local, regional and national levels;
- Ensure the long-term exploitation of the project outputs and set up the long-term monitoring of its results.
CMCC role
CMCC-RAAS Division will lead the WP2 on ‘Decision support and prioritization’, contributing to the design of a decision support matrix tools supporting prioritization of adaptation measures to address risk scenarios as identified in the project regions. It will lead as well activity 1.1 and 1.4 providing expertise on the development of multi-risk assessment methodologies, leveraging complex system methods for the evaluation of the interplay among multiple risks (e.g., cumulative, compound, interconnected, spatially and temporally correlated risks), with a specific focus on climate-driven impacts, and the cascading effects on the environmental and socio-economic systems at stake.
AcquaGuard is structured in 3 WPs
- WP1 Risk and stakeholder assessment
- WP2 Decision support and prioritization
- WP3 Monitoring, sustainability and exploitation
Expected results
AcquaGuard’s expected results are the following:
- Co-creation model and decision support matrix tool for development of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for flood prevention;
- Strategies for prioritization of risk mitigation NBS for flood prevention;
- Capacity building on climate change risk and adaptation through NBS for the project regions and other potential replicators.
North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency, Croatia
Karlovac County, Croatia
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation, Italy
CORILA – Consortium for coordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system, Italy
Interregional Superintendency far Public Works Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy