ACCREU is a project funded by HORIZON Europe RIA (Research and Innovation Action) investigating, in a fully integrated framework, climate change impacts, mitigation, adaptation and prospects for a sustainable social and economic development in the EU. ACCREU will identify challenges, highlight opportunities and deliver practical solutions to policy making and societal actors at the EU, EU Member State, region and community level to accelerate a just societal transformation towards climate resilience in the short, medium and long term.
General aims
ACCREU has the following specific objectives:
- Co-deliver a comprehensive, integrated, updated and co-designed assessment of climate risks across sectors, countries, sub-national regions under different climate and socio-economic scenarios while considering distributional consequences across households and business types, fiscal and financial implications;
- Improve qualitative and quantitative methods for the assessment of costs, benefits, effectiveness, limits and feasibility of adaptation against different impact types and scales;
- Co-create ready to implement Adaptation Decision procedures and strategies together with public and private actors to address decision makers at multiple levels of governance;
- Fully integrate mitigation, adaptation and residual climate damages into the decision-making space;
- Enable the effective uptake of the resulting risk and policy assessments of the developed procedures and actual strategies into management and investment decisions of public and private actors.
CMCC role
CMCC is the Coordinator of ACCREU project and leader of WP6 (Coordination), overseeing the administrative and scientific coordination of the activities. CMCC is also supervising the project workflow coordination and performs scientific quality control of the outputs. CMCC is ensuring that ethnical and gender issues are monitored for the whole duration of the project.
CMCC is also the leader of WP5 (Synthesis and Outreach) and contributes to all the other WPs in particular in performing the macroeconomic and social integrated assessment of climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation policies in the EU countries and regions.
ACCREU is structured in 6 WP:
- Co-creation
- Impacts
- Adaptation
- Integration
- Synthesis and outreach
- Coordination
Expected results
ACCREU expected results are the following:
- Improved qualitative and quantitative methods for the assessment of and insights on costs, benefits, effectiveness, limits and feasibility of adaptation against different impact types and scales.
- Comprehensive, integrated, updated and co-designed assessment of climate risks across sectors, countries, regions under different climate and socio-economic scenarios made available public database and repositories of scientific publications;
- Better understanding of the role of climate change impacts on health, ecosystem, biodiversity, fiscal and financial stability; Fully integrated analysis of mitigation, adaptation and residual climate damages to identify policy actions able to deliver a fair, sustainable and climate resilient societal transformation;
- Accessible adaptation decision procedures and strategies at multiple level of governance;
- Effective uptake of climate risk and policy assessment and adaptation decision procedures and strategies.
Paul Watkiss Associates ltd. (PWA), United Kingdom
International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA), Austria
University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (UNIGRAZ), Austria
Stichting VU (VU), Netherlands
Ecologic Institute Gemeinnützige GmbH (ECOLOGIC), Germany
Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE), Italy
Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Spain
Stichting Deltares (Deltares), Germany
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impach Research (PIK), Germany
Global Climate Forum (GCF), Germany
Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
Climate Analytics GmbH (CA), Germany
Universiteit Utrecht (UU), Netherlands