Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2 - via della Libertà 12 - 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE), Italy
Vuong Pham holds a PhD in Science and management of Climate Change from Ca’Foscari university (Italy) and a MSc. in Environmental and Geomatic Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He affiliated to the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change since 2016, collaborating in the research activities within the projects of the Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies – RAAS Division.
Vuong’s research focusses on multi-risk assessment, including the issues related to freshwater resources, coastal areas and ecosystem services capacity associated to these domains. Currently, he is carrying out his activities within MaCoBioS, SAVEMEDCOASTS-2, and REST-COAST projects. Previously, he involved in several European projects such as PROLINE-CE (2017), TRITON (2019) and LODE (2020).
- A GIS-MCDA approach to map environmental suitability of Posidonia oceanica meadows as blue nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean eco-region
- Bayesian Network Analysis for Shoreline Dynamics, Coastal Water Quality, and Their Related Risks in the Venice Littoral Zone, Italy
- Multi-scenario analysis in the Apulia shoreline: A multi-tiers analytical framework for the combined evaluation and management of coastal erosion and water quality risks
- Multi-model chain for climate change scenario analysis to support coastal erosion and water quality risk management for the Metropolitan city of Venice
- Evaluating the combined effect of climate and anthropogenic stressors on marine coastal ecosystems: Insights from a systematic review of cumulative impact assessment approaches
- Combining remote sensing analysis with machine learning to evaluate short-term coastal evolution trend in the shoreline of Venice
- Ecosystem services at risk in Italy from coastal inundation under extreme sea level scenarios up to 2050: a spatially resolved approach supporting climate change adaptation
- Invited perspectives: A research agenda towards disaster risk management pathways in multi-(hazard-)risk assessment
- A Bayesian network approach for multi-sectoral flood damage assessment and multi-scenario analysis
- Integrating Bayesian Networks into ecosystem services assessment to support water management at the river basin scale