Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy
+39 0832 288650
Mauro Tridici is a BSc student. Since october 2011 he is a Senior Research Associate at Supercomputing Center of the Euro Mediterranean Center for Climate Changes (CMCC) and he is a member of the HSM (High Performance Computing Systems Management) group.
From october 2008 to september 2011 he worked (on behalf of an italian computer company) to ensure the operation of the High Performance Computing systems available at the CMCC Supercomputing Center and the full data life cycle management of the data produced by the CMCC researchers involved in national and international projects.
In particular, since 2008, he takes care of the data backup/archive and space management systems (and services) available at the CMCC Supercomputing Center.
He also provides support to the HPC systems users (helpdesk service, problem solving, etc.) and he is actively engaged in the development/revision of a software infrastructure in order to monitoring BA/HSM services, online and nearline storage resources and backed-up and archived data.
He was involved in the management of the interconnection network between the various sites of the CMCC and in the definition of the datacenter security policies.
In addition to the mentioned activities, he takes care of the installation, configuration, maintenance and monitoring of the virtual infrastructures (in VMware and Oracle environment) designed to meet the multiple requirements related to the various projects of the CMCC (OrientGate, Tessa, Eu-Brazil, Marsop4, IS-ENES, etc.) with a particular attention to the level of security, service and data availability.
He provides support for the development and management of the HPC systems and storage monitoring tools.
In 2007 he has been actively involved in the INTERSTORE project (Interreg IIIA Greece-Italy EU Community Initiative Programme) as system administrator of a linux cluster acquired for the needs of the project. Moreover, he provided support to the research activities of the SPACI Consortium. In particular he created an automatic configuration tool ( that has been deployed within the INFNGRID project) for server GrelC-DAS 2.4.1 (
In 2006 he worked in the HPC (High Performance Computing) Laboratory of Department of Innovation Engineering of University of Lecce and he created an HPC systems monitoring tool in a Linux environment.