via De Nicola 9, I- 07100 Sassari
+39 079 229377
Antonio Trabucco obtained a BSC/MSC in Forestry and Hydrology from Padua University (Italy) and a PhD in BioScience Engineering at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) on the evaluation of land use activities for climate change mitigation at global scale. He is currently involved at CMCC with large data coupling processes and climate services modeling of interactions between climate, hydrology and vegetation (crop productivity and ecosystem services) and sustainable development goals. He is specialized on research methodologies covering relationships between vegetation/ecosystems and climate (from regional to global scale), ecosystem services and their alteration due to climate and global drivers linked to land use, policy and economic development scenarios. He has been heavily engaged in the development of several global climate dataset (PET, Soil Water Budget, Aridity Index), from which he expanded collaborations with many international scientific teams.
Through several prior international research positions (in Europe US, Latin America, Asia and Africa), he grew a wide experience and research interest over different socio-economic and geographic contexts for natural resource management and sustainable development. Further research experiences include elaboration of climate indicators (Bio-climate stratification, limiting factors), Land Suitability assessment and Decision Support Systems quantifying potentials of nature based solutions and trade-offs with ecosystem services and human needs in agricultural and forest sectors under climate change. In addition to analyzing climate change impact on several environmental aspects related to ecosystem distribution and production, species distribution, vegetation functioning and crop productivity, its involvement in several projects over the last years consolidated a strong experience on evaluation and demonstration activities of adaptation practices in agriculture and forestry, and their elaboration into policy advises.
- Deriving lessons learned from monitoring adaptation activities in projects under the EU mission on adaptation
- Assessing climate risk for cereals and livestock to inform adaptation planning at regional and local scale
- Irrecoverable carbon in mountains and the global mitigation potential of agroforestry and increased tree cover in mountain agricultural systems
- A Systematic Review of Analytical and Modelling Tools to Assess Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation on Coffee Agrosystems
- Modeling Phenological Phases across Olive Cultivars in the Mediterranean
- Predicting the impact of climate change on range and genetic diversity patterns of the endangered endemic Nilgiri tahr (Nilgiritragus hylocrius) in the western Ghats, India.
- Simulation of evapotranspiration and yield of maize: An Inter-comparison among 41 maize models
- A Systematic Review on the Impacts of Climate Change on Coffee Agrosystems
- Using ENSO conditions to optimize rice yield for Nepal's Terai
- Merging Themes and Future Directions of Multi-Sector Nexus Research and Implementation