via Thomas Alva Edison s.n.c. - 81100 Caserta (CE), Italy
Guido Rianna in 2007 graduated with honours in Civil Engineering at University of Naples “Federico II”. In 2011, he got PhD in Geotechnical Engineering with a thesis about predictive models in early warning systems for landslide events. Since 2012, he works for CMCC Foundation where he currently acts as Director for “Soil and Water Systems” [SOWAS] Division. Earlier, he was Leader of “Adaptation Engineering”Unit in Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts (REMHI) Division. In 2019, he earned National Scientific Qualification as Assistant Professor for Geotechnical Engineering. He was consultant for EEA and, in 2013, foreign expert at Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES). He was involved in several national and international Projects acting, in some cases, as scientific coordinator for CMCC Foundation. Among the others, he currently acts as Deputy Coordinator for The HuT “Human-Tech Nexus” Horizon Europe Project. He is Work Package Leader for ACQUAOUNT PRIMA Project and Integrated Life “ClimaxPo” Project. He acted as Service Manager for two Copernicus Climate Change Service Contracts: Sectoral Information System “Disaster Risk Reduction” and Demo Case “Soil Erosion”. He worked in FP7 INTACT acting as test case coordinator for the impacts of landslides on critical infrastructures, INTERREG PROLINE-CE acting as Leader of WP “Synopsis: Vision and guidance”. He was scientific coordinator for the development of European Extreme Events Climate Index (E3CI) and was co-leader for the factsheet on Built Environment in EUCRA. He is author of about 60 papers in peer reviewed journals and editor for “Landslides” Journal.
- Quantile-based bias-correction of extreme rainfall: Pros & cons of popular methods for climate signal preservation
- Failure mechanism in a highway embankment founded on a sloping tectonised flysch formation
- Climate change and soil erosion dynamics
- A geospatial decision support system to support policy implementation on climate change in EU
- Weather induced post failure kinematics of a highway embankment founded on a marly sandstone slope
- From empirically- to physically-based early warning predictions of rainfall-induced landslides in silty volcanic soils: the Lattari Mountains case study
- Harmonised procedure to update thermal loads in the Eurocodes. Case study for Italy
- Monthly to seasonal rainfall erosivity over Italy: Current assessment by empirical model and future projections by EURO-CORDEX ensemble
- Comparing different modelling strategies for the estimation of climate change effects on urban pluvial flooding
- A simplified procedure to assess the effects of climate change on landslide hazard in a small area of the Southern Apennines in Italy