Piermattei Viviana

Via Marco Biagi 5 – 73100 Lecce, Italy

+39 0832 1902411

Viviana Piermattei is Scientist in Oceanographic Observations and Technologies Development and responsible of the Advanced Observation Systems research unit of the Global Coastal Ocean (GOCO) Division at CMCC Foundation.

She holds a PhD in Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources focused on the development of low-cost instrumentation for the study of bio-optical properties along the water column. Since 2010 she’s been working as responsible for oceanographic technology development and environmental sciences at the Laboratory of Experimental Oceanology and Marine Ecology of Tuscia University.

Since 2023 she has been employed at CMCC, where she leads the development and application of innovative oceanographic sensors and platforms and innovative observing systems implementation.

She has been involved as scientific responsible for CMCC and WP-Task leader in several National and International projects.

The current research activity is focused on the application of cost-effective technologies on the study of estuarine frontal systems and the development of low-cost instrumentation for marine citizen science.

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