Papale Dario

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Papale Dario

Dario Papale is Associate Professor of Forest Ecology at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy) were he also got his PhD in Forest Management and Ecology in 2003 working on artificial neural networks and eddy covariance data. His research interests are in measurements of green house gases exchanges at ecosystem scale and their use in data-model integration and empirical data-oriented models. Since 2004 he is scientific responsible of the European Eddy Covariance fluxes databases cluster where eddy covariance data standardization, quality control and uncertainty estimation are developed and applied.
In the last years his main activity and interest has been the development and coherent growth of the global network of eddy covariance sites (FLUXNET) including the development of new methods and techniques to enhance the quality of the eddy covariance measurements in particular in Europe and US. He is member of the AmeriFlux Management Project Team and he has been nominated in 2013 Director of the Ecosystem Thematic Centre of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) in Europe.
He published more than 100 papers in international journals and he is co-editor of a book on the Eddy Covariance technique.

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