Principal Scientist
Institute for Climate ResilienceDivision Director Regional Models and geo-Hydrological Impacts
via Thomas Alva Edison s.n.c. - 81100 Caserta (CE), Italy
Paola Mercogliano. she is a senior researcher with more than 16 years of research experience. She works at CMCC Foundation as head of the Research Division REMHI (Regional Model and geo-Hydrological Impacts) and she is also adjunct Professor at the University of Naples “Parthenope” of the “advanced meteorology” course and member of the board of the S.I.S.C. (Italian Society of Climatology). Her main areas of competence include: development and use of statistical tools and dynamical models for localization of the weather condition and climate change scenarios up to local scale, development of tools for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the soil impact induced climate change. She is also the manager of the dataclime platform ( working in GIS environment, for pre- and post-processing and visualization of observed and simulated climate data. She collaborates with private sectors industries for the assessment of the climate change impacts on critical infrastructure and with public bodies for the preparation of SECAP and SEA and other relevant documents to support policies for adaptation to climate change. She also collaborates with the scientific network leaded by Joint Research Centre (JRC) working on adaptation of structural design to climate change. She is currently the principal investigator of the Copernicus contract “Sectoral Information System to support Disaster Risk Reduction” (C3S_430) aims at developing a service supporting the risk assessment of extreme events with a special focus on urban areas. She is member of the COSMO Consortium, CLM Assembly, MENA CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX. Previously head of the laboratory of Meteorology at Italian Aerospace Research Center with the goal to implement forecast tools using satellite and NWP data for support to the aviation sector. Over the years he has carried out various activities as a meteorological forecaster. Authors of more than 60 scientific publications, she collaborates in various national and international research projects.
- Investigating urban heat islands over Rome and Milan during a summer period through the TERRA_URB parameterization in the ICON model
- Estimating pros and cons of statistical downscaling based on EQM bias adjustment as a complementary method to dynamical downscaling
- Tea for the Climate: Analysing elderly’s perception on climate change risks
- Evaluating Numerical Weather Prediction Model for Convective Clouds: A Case Study of the September 2022 Flood in Italy's Marche Region
- A co-design matrix-based approach to evaluate the climate risks for airports: A case study of Bologna airport
- Spatial risk assessment for climate proofing of economic activities: The case of Belluno Province (North-East Italy)
- TN0300 – VHR-REA_IT: Transitioning from COSMO-CLM to ICON-CLM at convection-permitting scales
- Risk assessment of national railway infrastructure due to sea-level rise: an application of a methodological framework in Italian coastal railways
- Projections of the Adriatic wave conditions under climate changes
- Climate projections of the Adriatic Sea: role of river release