McAdam Ronan

via C. Berti Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna, Italy

(+39) 051 0301600

Ronan McAdam is a researcher working on predictions of the ocean and extreme events. His scientific interests include physical oceanography, forecasting and the development of user-relevant applications.
Since joining the CMCC in 2019, he has driven progress in the validation of essential ocean variables (e.g. temperatures) in short-term and seasonal forecasting systems. He has focused particularly on marine heatwaves, defining subsurface indicators and performing the first global scale validations of marine seasonal forecasts.
He also contributes to ocean modelling activities, studying the variability of physical variables the CMCC’s state-of-the-art high-resolution physical ocean models and reanalyses. Currently, he is developing AI-enhanced forecasts of atmospheric heat waves.
He is involved in a range of European projects on ocean forecasting and observing, ocean modelling and the use of machine learning in climate science, including EuroSea, CLINT, and ObsSea4Clim.
In 2019, he obtained his PhD in Physical Oceanography with a thesis on ocean current transport, floating plastic and Lagrangian analysis techniques.


Twitter: @RonanJMcAdam

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