Gabriella Ceci is a senior researcher in HPC and Applied Mathematics. She started working on HPC in 2005 when, after graduating with honors in Mathematics and completing a PhD in Applied Mathematics, she had the opportunity to put into practice and improve the skills acquired during her studies by working in contexts both national and international. On the other hand, living and working abroad helped her to learn about and deal with different cultures, improving her soft skills and abilities to work in a team. Her research activities are mainly dedicated to parallel computing, numerical modeling, code performance optimization, code profiling and debugging, development of automatic tools for data processing, systems administration procedures. Activities have also been dedicated to hybrid systems (CPU/GPU), for both programming (CUDA and OpenACC) and benchmarking. She currently works at CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change) – Regional Modeling and geo-Hydrological Impacts (REMHI) Division, contributing to the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies projects on convection (FPS-CONV), CMIP6 projects on global climate data and to the development on climate models.