via C. Berti Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna, Italy
(+39) 051 0301600
Momme Butenschön is Lead Scientist of the Earth System Modelling Research and Biogeochemistry Unit at the Climate Simulations and Predictsion Division at CMCC.
He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of ocean science, has developed a range of marine ecosystem models and model systems from coastal to global applications and published more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific publications covering a wide range of topics such as physiological process studies, meta-analysis of the marine ecosystem and studies on the impact of climate change on the marine environment, food-web and ecosystem services.
He is a Contributing Author of the IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, an invited member of the ICES Expert Group on Integrative, Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling and a Consortium Expert on the Scientific Advisory Board of the NEMO consortium. He teaches as contract lecturer at the University of Venice Ca’Foscari within the PhD Program “Science and Management of Climate Change”.
Prior to working at CMCC, he worked as a Senior Scientist at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, where he led the development of the marine ecosystem model
ERSEM. Momme studied for a Master’s degree in Engineering Physics at the Technische Universität Berlin and the Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Stockholm, before completing a PhD at the Università di Bologna in Geophysics on the topic of Marine Ecosystem Modelling and Data Assimilation.
Momme has been involved in a multitude of international research initiatives such as the EU H2020 programs FutureMARES, RECUE, ACTNOW, NECCTON and CRESCENDO, the Copernicus Marine Service, the EU framework 7 projects MEECE, EURO-BASIN, MyOcean, OPEC, VECTORS and MEDINA as well as several national research programs in the European countries he has lived and worked in.
Orcid ID:
- OARS Outcome 5: Provide appropriate data and information necessary to the development of societally relevant predictions and projections
- Fish distribution’s shifts due to climate change in the Northeast Atlantic: Using a hierarchical filtering approach on marine-estuarine opportunist species
- Diving into warming oceans: Assessing 3D climatically suitable foraging areas of loggerhead sea turtles under climate change
- Impacts of climate change on water quality, benthic mussels, and suspended mussel culture in a shallow, eutrophic estuary
- Projected climate oligotrophication of the Adriatic marine ecosystems
- Statistically downscaled CMIP6 ocean variables for European waters
- Simulations of ocean deoxygenation in the historical era: insights from forced and coupled models
- The representation of alkalinity and the carbonate pump from CMIP5 to CMIP6 Earth system models and implications for the carbon cycle
- CMIP6 simulations with the CMCC Earth System Model (CMCC-ESM2)
- Persistent Uncertainties in Ocean Net Primary Production Climate Change Projections at Regional Scales Raise Challenges for Assessing Impacts on Ecosystem Services