
What we do

Filtering by: Sustainable Earth Modelling Economics Division

FASST(R) – FAst Scenario Screening Tool

FASST(R) is a source receptor model, an R version of the reduced-form TM5- FASST [5] model developed at JRC-Ispra, to compute the annual concentrations of several pollutants p, namely SO2 , NOx , fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5 ) and O3. The FASST(R) model produces concentrations on a world spatial grid of resolution of 1 ◦ × 1 ◦ , and the fine PM 2.5 concentrations include Particulate Organic Matter (POM), secondary inorganic PM, dust and sea-salt.

WITCH – World Induced Technical Change Hybrid model

WITCH (World Induced Technical Change Hybrid) is an integrated assessment model designed to assess climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. WITCH consists of a dynamic global model that integrates in a unified framework the most important elements of climate change.

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