CMCC Webinars

Insights from CMCC Scientists and outstanding experts on climate sciences and their interaction with economics, policy and society.

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Call for nominations of experts to participate in the Scoping Meeting for the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a Call for experts to participate in the Scoping Meeting for

Forecast evapotranspiration: fundamental information for agricultural irrigation management

Insights and perspectives on the forecast of evapotranspiration product, why it is important for agriculture and urban landscapes, and how

Forests: solutions and perspectives to fight climate change

Challenges and perspectives for a long-term vision in managing forests under climate change and the Italian case, natural climate solutions

IMMERSE user remote workshop on interfaces

On April 5, 2019, Stefania Ciliberti, CMCC researcher at OPA – Ocean Predictions and Applications Division, Michela De Dominicis (National

Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: views from Parties and observers

The vulnerabilities of agriculture to climate change and approaches to address food security in the webinar held by CMCC researcher

Decadal predictability of North Atlantic blocking and the NAO

Decadal predictions are important to study climate evolution on multiannual to decadal timescale. On February 26, 2019, Panos Athanasiadis, CMCC

Impacts assessment in marine areas: a multi- disciplinary approach supporting adaptive management of the Adriatic Sea

A multi-risk approach, integrating different metrics and scenarios of climate, ocean, bio-geochemical and anthropogenic pressures in an interactive impacts perspective

The social cost of carbon to value Earth observing systems

Roger Cooke (RFF – Resources for the Future) presents his work “Using the social cost of carbon to value Earth

Climate negotiations in Katowice: the outcome of COP24

CMCC researchers attending climate negotiations tell us what happened at COP24. Watch the video of the last 2018 CMCC webinar!

IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C: An overview of the main outcomes

Marco Bindi, Full Professor at the University of Florence, Dept. of Agri-Food Production and Environmental Sciences, provided an overview of

Climate services in the finance sector: insights for users and providers of climate data and information

How to allow the climate services uptake in the finance sector? Insights for climate and finance experts in this CMCC

Low-carbon energy finance: new insights for modelers and policy makers

Many studies analyze the innovation, diffusion, and cost developments of low-carbon energy technologies, but little research is dedicated to analyzing

Machine learning and cloud process parameterization for weather and climate models

It well suited for problems which have a complex structure that we don’t understand well, but about which we have

The political dimension of climate change

Science is a social process, but is usually considered special in its ability to correctly deconstruct, analyze and describe complex

Managing data in large-scale climate modelling project

A large multi-laboratory and multi-institution initiative involving over 100 scientists, software developers and management personnels: explore the Energy Exascale Earth

Valuing climate services in the cogeneration framework: evidences from the CLARA project

Climate services can make communities, critical infrastructure, businesses and ecosystems more resilient to climate impacts. Elisa Delpiazzo, researcher at CMCC

Market-based mechanisms for enhancing ecosystem services and nature conservation

What are Payments for Ecosystem Services, and how do they work? Five recent innovations to improve the cost-effectiveness and environmental

A snapshot of Antarctic climate variability over the last 2000 years

What about climate trends in the Antarctic region? Barbara Stenni, Associate professor of Geochemistry at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Ratcheting up Brazil´s Nationally Determined Contribution: a consistent roadmap towards the global temperature goal 2 – 1.5 °C

How will Brazil contribute to the Paris Agreement’s mitigation goals? Which roles will play agriculture, forestry, land use, biofuels, electrifications

Water management: innovative ways to assess precipitation distribution

Precipitation has a direct impact on both the ecosystem and the human society, it affects groundwater and reservoirs, and constitutes

Can block chains have a role in climate data quality management?

Researcher Tommi Vuorenmaa clarified the properties and prerequisites of blockchain technology, and provide some thoughts on the application in the

Mapping innovation: a global outlook of Climate Services

They provide climate information in a way that assists decision making, such as projections, forecasts, trends, economic analyses, assessments, counseling

Earth System Models: 20-years of Successes, tough choices and persistent problems

Richard Neale, Project Scientist at NCAR – National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, presented a selection of results

Carbon Pricing and Global Warming: assessing the macroeconomic impacts

To what extent can a worldwide carbon pricing foster the transition towards a low-carbon economy and help mitigate the effects

Blue Growth: science, society and innovation. A focus on the Mediterranean and Black Sea

Find out more about the European long term strategy to support sustainable growth in the marine and maritime sectors as

Adapting to climate change in Europe: linking knowledge, policies and practices

The economic losses from weather and climate natural hazards will increase in the next decades. Researcher Sergio Castellari (EEA) presents

Informing and supporting climate policy: the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA)

A consortium lead by the CMCC Foundation to assist the European Energy Agency (EEA) in supporting policy development and implementation

COP23: after Bonn, where are we with climate negotiations?

The Talanoa dialogue, the text on agriculture and the issue of Loss and Damage. The Local Communities and Indigenous People’s

Oceans and climate change: new insights on the origins of Atlantic decadal swings

Anthropogenic drivers, such as greenhouse gases and aerosols, have a leading role on the origins of the fluctuation in sea

New frontiers of high performance computing for climate change studies

High computational requirements for a new generation of high resolution climate models. The potential of parallel architectures to reduce the

Natural hazards: towards an integrated approach

How do people make decisions in the context of climate change risks and environmental conflicts? How can we measure their

Tale of an oceanic Antarctic campaign

The Ross Sea Expedition of the Italian research vessel OGS Explora. A 60 days campaign and five research projects aimed

How rivers influence the Mediterranean dynamics?

Estuaries, deltas and lagoons: how do they influence the ocean dynamics? Three different approaches tested while developing an interface between

Landslides and climate change: how to assess future impacts

Climate chain simulations, models and impact tools: how research tries to understand how climate change will affect future geological hazards

Land use changes: assessing climate change effects

The interplay between land use and climate change is essential in understanding land-based climate mitigation options and how societies will

Climate change and agriculture: how to assess future impacts?

Crop productivity and future climate impacts. A comparison between models and observations in the first CMCC seminar, the video of

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