Ecosystem Approach to design compensation and mitigation measures in coastal marine environment

What we do

September 8, 2021 – h 12.30 pm CEST

Marco Marcelli, Laboratory of Experimental Oceanology and Marine Ecology (DEB), University of Tuscia and CMCC Foundation

Moderator: Ivan Federico, CMCC Foundation


The coastal marine domain is characterized by physical and ecological conditions that favour and determine a spatial overlap between the different uses of natural resources.
Considering that the Natural Capital analysis is indeed a valid emerging management tool for marine conflicts resolution (Maritime Spatial Planning Directive 2014/89 / EU – MSP), this approach aims to propose a methodology to quantify the compensation and mitigation measures, evaluating the ecosystem services of priority habitats and species impacted or lost by coastal engineering activities.
To test the approach, a perfect case study is the coastal area of Civitavecchia that houses important biodiversity hotspots as well as multiple human activities, being affected by potential conflicts.
In particular, the works of expansion scheduled for the Port of Civitavecchia, one of the largest in Europe in terms of cruise and ferry traffic, could impact on two Sites of Community Importance (IT6000005 and IT6000006), for the presence of priority habitats (Posidonia oceanica meadows and reefs of rocky substrates and biogenic concretions) and species (Pinna nobilis and Corallium rubrum) according to Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC.
To evaluate the ecosystem services, the benthic biocoenoses, analyzed in the study area over the past 35 years,were chosen as reference spatial unit. We present the results of the economic evaluation of the benefits produced by Posidonia oceanica meadows (Habitat 1120), and Reef (Habitat 1170).
This approach allows to define a specific relation between the impact in terms of loss of economic value of the Natural Capital and compensation measures capable of mitigate the conflicts of use.

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Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti climatici

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