The role of typhoons in the drying of the Maritime Continent

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CMCC Webinar | 21 May, 2020 – 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM CEST

Speaker: Enrico Scoccimarro, CMCC Foundation – CSP Division

Moderator: Dorotea Iovino, CMCC Foundation – ODA Division

Much work has been done to quantify tropical cyclone (TC)- induced precipitation and its role in determining flood events. This study identifies the role of tropical cyclones in reducing precipitation over particular areas of the tropical domain. The study highlights a significant reduction in the precipitation over the Maritime Continent when the TC season is particularly active, which is in line with the net reduction in westward water flow into the Maritime Continent atmosphere – induced by TC-associated circulation over the region. The described TC modulation of the moisture availability over the Maritime continent is important since the Maritime Continent plays a role in the global circulation pattern, due to the energy released by convective condensation over the region which influences the global atmospheric circulation.  The highlighted process confirms, once again, that Tropical Cyclones play a role in the modulation of our climate system.The process is investigated using observational data, reanalysis and CMCC fully coupled General Circulation Models.

Working language: English

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CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change



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