The de-carbonization of the Italian economy: challenge and opportunity

What we do

COP25 UN Side event
Madrid, 13 December, 2019 – h. 10:30 – 12:30 CET
Italian Pavilion

In order to accelerate the GHGs emissions reduction process in line with the complex objective of a deep de-carbonization by 2050 a crosscutting approach, based on integrated analysis and targets, with a coherent view throughout all the different aspects of environment, energy, economy is highly desirable.

To this end, the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the Ministry for Economic Development, who are playing a leading joint role in developing the most relevant Italian strategies and documents on climate issues such as the “Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan” and the “Long Term Strategy”, in order to ensure an holistic approach have set up an intergovernmental “steering committee” composed by all relevant Administrations involved in the de-carbonization process of the Italian economy.

Furthermore a ”Modelling and Scenarios” technical working group composed by public institutes dealing with climate, energy and economic issues such as ISPRA, RSE, ENEA, CMCC, GSE and Polytechnic of Milan, has been established in order to implement strong link among models and tools and elaborate a coordinated Energy, GHGs, and Economy analysis.

More information about the agenda here.

Organized by

Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea
ISPRA, Ricerca Sistema Energetico (RSE)
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC)
Politecnico di Milano

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