LONETA workshop
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici -Lecce, Via Marco Biagi, 5
16 marzo 2022 | ore 10.00-17.00
Clicca il seguente link per confermare la tua partecipazione: https://bit.ly/36BDLwr
La Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici è coordinatrice del progetto INTERREG LONETA (Local Opportunities for Negative Emission Technologies and their Applications), finanziato dal Programma INTERREG IPA CBC Italia-Albania-Montenegro.
Tale iniziativa mira a rafforzare la collaborazione tra Italia, Albania e Montenegro in tema di tecnologie per l’assorbimento e la cattura di CO2 (le cosiddette “tecnologie per le emissioni negative-NETs) attraverso la firma di un Memorandum of Understanding fra enti pugliesi, albanesi e montenegrini su questi temi. I settori identificati come prioritari riguardano certificazioni forestali, foreste blu (legate quindi al settore marino) e promozione della ricerca.
Pertanto siamo lieti di invitarLa al workshop “Streamlining innovative solutions on NETs and nature-based solutions in the Southern Adriatic” che si terrà proprio a Lecce il 16 marzo 2022 presso la nostra nuova sede in via Marco Biagi, 5. Quest’evento mira a presentare iniziative e soluzioni innovatrici che contribuiscano agli obiettivi ambiziosi della neutralità climatica.
09.45- 10.00 – Registration | |
09.45-10.00 | Registration of participants (both in presence and online) |
10.00 – Start of the meeting – opening & introductory session | |
10.00-10.10 | Welcome from Dr. Antonio Navarra, President and Legal Representative at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation |
10.10-10.25 | Welcome from Dr. Rita Miglietta, Assessore alle Politiche Urbanistiche del Comune di Lecce |
10.25-10.30 | Welcome and presentation of the agenda
Dr.Giulia Galluccio, Research Division Director at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation |
10.30-10.45 | The LONETA project: progress and main achievements to date
Agim Bufi, President at Albanian Konfindustria Gerti Seferi, Project Manager at UBA RDA NGO |
10.45-11.00 | Climate neutrality pathways in Montenegro
Mrs. Sanja Besovic, Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro |
11.00-11.15 | Break |
11.15 – Start of Session 1: Green and blue innovative solutions at local level | |
11.15-11.35 | Hydraulic and geomorphological hazards at wetland sites: the case of the coast of Lecce
Stefano Margiotta, Municipality of Lecce |
11.35-11.55 | Biodiversity protection and restoration in the national park of Divjake
Dr. Fred Kokoneshi, Mayor of Divjake |
11.55-12.15 | Biodiversity protection and restoration in the marine protected areas in Montenegro
Ms. Marija Bajkovic, Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro |
12.15-12.35 | Biodiversity protection and restoration in the marine protected areas. The case study of Torre Guaceto
Dr. Francesco De Franco, Parco Torre Guaceto |
12.35-13.00 | Forest certification for CO2 absorption. The case study of national parks in Italy
Dr. Francesco Marini, PEFC Italy |
13.00-14.30 | Lunch |
14.30 – Start of session 2: Research development and cooperation in the marine sector |
14.30-14.50 | The importance of interdisciplinary research for blue economy
Dr. Giovanni Coppini, Research Division Director at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation |
14.50-15.10 | The Bojana River and its interaction with the Sea
Dr. Dragan Radojević, Geological Survey of Montenegro |
15.10-15.30 | Modelling activities for nature-based solutions in the marine sector
Ivan Federico, Researcher at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation |
15.30-15.50 | The ecosystem service approach for marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean
Prof. Marco Marcelli, Professor at University of Tuscia |
15.50 – Start of Session 3: Conclusion and closing | |
15.50-16.00 | Wrap up and conclusions
Dr.Giulia Galluccio– Research Division Director at Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation |
16.00-16.15 | Evaluation of the event |
16.15 – End of the meeting |
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici -Lecce, Via Marco Biagi, 5
16 marzo 2022 | ore 10.00-17.00
A causa dell’attuale pandemia, i posti in presenza sono limitati, ti chiediamo gentilmente di confermare quanto prima la tua partecipazione attraverso il seguente link: https://bit.ly/36BDLwr