CMCC Webinar
November 11, 2021 – h. 03:00 – 04:00 pm CET
Please, click on the following link for registration:
Andrea Bigano, CMCC;
Alexia Boulanger – Senior Specialist, Environment Park S.p.A.;
Martina Vallerotonda, Project manager, CUEIM
Moderator: Giulia Galluccio, CMCC
Interreg-MED is a Transnational Cooperation Programme of the European Commission. It brings together 13 European Mediterranean countries, to foster sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area through innovative concepts and practices and a reasonable use of resources and by supporting social integration. Interreg MED consists of nine Thematic Communities, each one of them encompassing a “horizontal” project coordinating several specific projects targeting sustainability issues with a Mediterranean focus, and promoting their projects’ results through communication, awareness rising, capitalizing, and advocacy actions. In this framework, upon the initiative of CMCC, partner in the Efficient Building’s horizontal project, three Thematic Communities (Green Growth, Renewable Energy and Efficient Buildings) joined efforts to provide a joint Mediterranean perspective on the current EU sustainable development policy, with a particular focus on NextGenerationEU recovery plan and the European Green Deal.
During this seminar, a panel of representatives of the three communities will present their respective angles and illustrate their joint perspective and policy recommendations, tailored on the specific features of the Mediterranean region: a crossroads of cultures, strategical energy infrastructures, and global east-west maritime routes, currently at a policy crossroads where Mediterranean Member States are called to action in the challenge for sustainable transition.
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The webinar will be broadcasted via Zoom.
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Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici