Sectoral Information System to Support Disaster Risk Reduction: web training for Datasets and Applications

What we do

September 17, 2021 – h 02.30 pm CEST


Chiara Cagnazzo – ECMWF, Sectoral Information System of the Copernicus Climate Change Service
Paola Mercogliano – CMCC Foundation
Alfredo Reder – CMCC Foundation

Moderator: Guido Rianna, CMCC Foundation


The goal of the webinar is to describe the features of the artifacts developed within Sectoral Information System to Support Disaster Risk Reduction: 2 different datasets and 2 applications hosted by Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) having the goal to generate information required for assessing risks associated to extreme rainfall events in Europe, starting from data already available in the platform but also defining new ones (such as the downscaled re-analysis of ERA5 at 2 km over selected 20 cities). The artifacts have been developed according to the consultation of the representative organisations, business entities and policy networks brought on board during the first phase of the project to identify data gaps and user needs. More specifically, during the workshop the features of the dataset and applications developed covering different aspects will be presented, such as:

  • Evaluation of precipitation indicators over historical periods related to extreme precipitation over all the European areas by using different dataset (E-OBS and ERA5)
  • Catalogue of extreme precipitation events: Ranking of past extreme precipitation events in terms of affected area, magnitude and severity (impact/losses) at pan-European scale (daily data) and city scale for 20 case studies in Europe (by using sub daily data).
  • Pluvial flooding hazard: Inundation probability maps and water depth for expected precipitation under fixed return period over 20 case studies.
  • Pluvial flooding risk: Assessed damages for expected precipitation under fixed return periods for 20 case studies.



Time: 02.30 –02.35
Speaker: Guido Rianna
Title: Introduction to the event, technical information.

Time: 02.35 –02-45
Speaker: Chiara Cagnazzo
Title: Introduction to C3S and on products for DRR

Time: 02.45 –02.55
Speaker: Paola Mercogliano
Title: Introduction to the service; goal.

Time: 02.55 –03.20
Speaker: Alfredo Reder & Paola Mercogliano with the support of the technical team
Title: Introduction to the Datasets and Applications:
– products at European scale
– product at city scale

Time: 03-20 – 03.40
Speaker: Guido with the support of all the team
Title: Menti and Q&A session

Time: 03.40 – 03 .45
Speaker: Paola Mercogliano
Title: General conclusions and Thanks


Watch the video:


The webinar will be broadcasted via Zoom.
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European Commission
Copernicus – Europe’s eyes on earth
ECMWF – European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti climatici

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