Future-proof cities. Responding to climate change in the Netherlands and Italy: circular economy and resilience

What we do

July 20, 2021 – h. 11.00 am CEST

Welcome by:
Désirée Bonis, Chargé d’Affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Italy


Paola Mercogliano, Director REMHI Division, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation
The importane of high resolution climate data in the context of urban areas

Christiaan Norde, Policy Advisor International Affairs, City of Amsterdam
The journey of Amsterdam with the Doughnut

Ilaria Giuliani, Deputy Chief Resilience Officer, Municipality of Milan
Resilient cities and circular economy

Tamara Streefland, Cities Program Lead, Metabolic
Achieving Future-Proof Cities

Antonella Totaro, Journalist, Renewable Matter



Ahead of the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Environment, Climate and Energy to be held in Naples on July 22-23, the Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Italy and the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) organize a webinar to explore how Italy and the Netherlands are rethinking their cities to be future-proof.

The meeting aims at creating a dialogue between policy and science in order to understand the connection between sustainability, resilience, health and prosperity. It will highlight best practices in terms of resilience and circular economy of the cities of Amsterdam and Milan. It fits perfectly in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the G20, where the Netherlands have been invited as guest country.

The event will explore how we can mitigate the impact of climate change and thrive in balance with the planet in order to create inclusive, safe, resilient and circular cities in line with the UN 2030 Agenda’s 11th Goal for Sustainable Development. Experts from the CMCC Foundation, the municipalities of Amsterdam and Milan, and the Dutch consultancy Metabolic will expose and share their visions and discuss opportunities for further collaboration on these themes between the Netherlands and Italy.

Watch the video:


The webinar will be broadcasted via Zoom.
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Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

The Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Italy

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