Foresight Dialogues 2023. Our planet, climate and society

Foresight Dialogues
16 November 2023 | 3:00 – 5:30 PM CET

Firenze – Earth Technology Expo, Fortezza da Basso, Padiglione Spadolini | REGISTER HERE 
Online REGISTER HERE | Simultaneous interpretation English/Italian

A discussion on the main challenges for the communication sector and the future role of information in supporting the climate transition, with outstanding international projects and experts, among which:

Skeptical Science, Climate Central, Climate Foresight, Stefano Boeri Architetti, CMCC, European Digital Media Observatory, Climate Narrative Project, The Cooling Solution, Bello Mondo.

The radical transformation triggered by climate change has generated a vast amount of information that might be difficult to navigate. Communication has a key role in linking knowledge to action to set change in motion and foster the transition to resilient, more equitable, future societies.

The event showcases a set of initiatives to reinvent the way scientific knowledge can transform our future through communication. International experts on media and disinformation, architects, scientists, disseminators, artists, and journalists: “Foresight Dialogues: Our planet, climate and society” brings together the voices and experiences of those who are leading the climate transition.

The event hosts the award ceremony of the second edition of the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra,” which gathered projects from 52 countries. The international award, promoted by the CMCC Foundation, aims to highlight the best communication initiatives that spread awareness about climate change and honors the memory of the artist Rebecca Ballestra, who was committed to shaping a sustainable future and promoting positive transformation processes in the fields of science, humanities, economics, ecology and art.


▊  Opening address

With Carlo Carraro, Professor, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Member of the CMCC Foundation Strategic Committee

▊  Climate change and disinformation
Disinformation can hinder climate action and create distrust in the scientific basis of climate change. Cognitive sciences have developed different techniques to counter this tendency, such as deconstruction and debunking. Experts share best practices on how the communication sectors can positively influence the climate discourse on different platforms.

With John Cook, Senior Research Fellow at the Melbourne Centre for Behaviour Change, University of Melbourne, founder of Skeptical Science and Paula Gori, Secretary General and Coordinator of the European Digital Media Observatory, European University Institute

Moderated by Mauro Buonocore, CMCC

▊  Making it local, making it real: empowering trusted messengers
To help climate communicators – whether in media, non-governmental organizations, government, education, or business – efficiently and effectively reach their audiences, Climate Central provides an ongoing stream of timely, ready-to-use visuals and analyses. Each week, the Climate Matters program sends out a short bulletin with highly localized graphics. And every day, the Climate Shift Index quantifies the “fingerprint” of climate change on air temperatures across the globe, zoomable to 60,000 cities.

With Karen Florini (online), Vice President for Strategic Impact at Climate Central

Introduced by Alessandra Mazzai, CMCC

▊  Monologue “A view from ponte nuovo”
Incorporating multimedia storytelling, regenerative city planning and climate migration, playwright and author Jeff Biggers recounts a city’s extraordinary transformation into a nexus of exchange for climate resilience actions.

A performance by Jeff Biggers, Author, Founder of the Climate Narrative Project

Introduced by Agnese Glauda, CMCC


▊  Special mention for multidisciplinarity and ability to link communication to solutions
The special mention for multidisciplinarity and ability to link communication to solutions, assigned by CMCC, goes to the project “Green Obsession” by Stefano Boeri Architetti.

With Maria Lucrezia de Marco, Head of the Communication Department at Stefano Boeri Architetti

Special mention to the best project in Italian language
The special mention to the best Italian project, assigned by CMCC, goes to the project “Bello Mondo” by Elisa Palazzi and Federico Taddia.

With Elisa Palazzi (online), researcher at CNR and professor at Università di Torino, and Federico Taddia, radio host, television presenter and journalist

▊  Special mention of the Jury
The special mention of the Jury goes to the project “The Cooling Solution” by ENERGYA research team, Gaia Squarci,  Elementsix and Kublaiklan

With Jacopo Crimi (online), science communication expert at Elementsix and Gaia Squarci (online), Documentary photographer

▊  CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra” – Winner Announcement
Announcement and presentation of the winning project of the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra” 2023.

With the jury members Jeff Biggers, Author, Founder of the Climate Narrative Project and Giuseppe La Spada, Water Artist

“Foresight Dialogues” is an initiative by the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change

Under the patronage of:
Consulat Honoraire de Monaco à Venise
Ca’Foscari University of Venice

ETE, Earth Technology Expo

16 November 2023 | 3:00 – 5:30 PM CET
Firenze – Earth Technology Expo, Fortezza da Basso and online REGISTER HERE

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