CMCC Webinar
May 23, 2023, 12.00 pm CEST
To join the webinar, register here
Marianna Adinolfi, CMCC – REMHI Division
Mario Raffa, CMCC – REMHI Division
Monia Santini, CMCC – IAFES Division
The capability to represent current climate condition and projected scenarios at km-scale is a challenging task for the climate community. In recent years, different studies (Ban et al. 2021, Pichelli et al. 2021, Adinolfi et al. 2021, Raffa et al. 2021, Vozila et al. 2022), research initiatives (as CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies on Convective phenomena) and projects (as H2020 EUCP, HIGHLANDER, Copernicus C3S_430) are focused on the so called “convection permitting”
models. The ability of km-scale models is proved in the representation of the hourly extreme precipitation features over complex orographic area as the Alps and the wind patterns over the Adriatic region. Moreover Italy, like other countries of the Mediterranean area, has been observing an increase in extreme weather events (as heavy rainfall and increase in temperature), causing huge impacts (as floods, droughts, heat waves) with consequences to assets and people. Therefore, enhancing the understanding of the local climate represents a pillar in the framework of the climate change adaptation process. In this perspective, CMCC tried to go beyond the current limitation in the convection permitting strategies (as time-slice approach), simulating more than 30-years at around 2 km grid spacing over the whole Italian peninsula.
May 23, 2023, 12.00 pm CEST
To join the webinar, register here