Enabling informed decisions for emergency management to cope with weather induced criticalities

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CMCC Talks
25 February 2025, 12:00 CET
To join the webinar, register here

Guido Rianna – CMCC

Paola Mercogliano – CMCC


In the hectic phases leading up to a potential weather-induced disaster, it is essential for local civil protection officials to access data and information that enable decision-making in a simple and secure manner. At the same time, during peace time, having data for back-analysis and prevention planning is crucial. Such data and information are often freely available but come in different formats and from various sources.

As part of the Horizon Europe project “The HuT: Human Tech Nexus” one of the key activities is the development of a new generation of portals fully tailored to local needs, serving as a “one-stop shop” for civil protection purposes. This webinar specifically presents the initial results of the portal under development for the Amalfi Coast areas.

Particular emphasis is placed on the co-development process behind the initiative, along with details on the various types of data included and their visualization methods: precipitation observations and forecasts, in-situ monitoring, exposed assets and communities (vulnerable people, accommodation facilities), and civil protection resources. Leveraging a good example of citizen science, these institutional data are complemented by information provided by expert citizens and civil protection volunteers who can report potential vulnerabilities or areas requiring attention.

25 February 2025, 12:00 CET
To join the webinar, register here


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