Study on the macro-economic impacts of the climate transition

The study comprises three parts:
The first part aims at deepening the understanding of the socio-economic impacts of the transition to climate neutral economies. In particular, the study focuses on the implications of potential frictions and challenges in the socio-economic transformation process and on the potential gains and opportunities of the transition to climate neutrality.
The second part of the study should quantify the investment needs for adaptation to climate change across all EU Member States.
And the third part brings together the work undertaken under the first two parts to make a preliminary assessment of the macro-economic impacts of the combined investment needs on mitigation and adaptation in a 2050 horizon.

Funded by
  • Call for Tender by European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA - REF CINEA/2023/OP/0013)

Coordinating organization
  • Cambridge Econometrics

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims
  1. Assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the transition to climate neutrality.
  2. Quantification of adaptation investment needs.
  3. Assessment of the macro-economic impacts of overall investment needs of mitigation and adaptation. 

CMCC role
CMCC is a partner with a supporting role in Task 2 on the Quantification of adaptation of the investment needs. It will support climate risk assessment and adaptation measures identification, selection, prioritization as well as costing efforts and policy recommendations.

E3-Modelling (partner)
Ricardo (partner)
Trinomics (partner)


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