Articoli & papers

Filtering by author: Scoccimarro Enrico

The role of mean ocean salinity in climate

Williams P. D. , Guilyardi E., Madec G., Gualdi S., Scoccimarro E.
2010, Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, The role of mean ocean salinity in climate

Very large ensemble ocean forecasting experiment using the Grid computing infrastructure,

Pinardi N., Bonazzi A., Scoccimarro E., Dobricic S., Navarra A., Ghiselli A., Veronesi P.
2008, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 6, 799-804

NAO-Ocean Circulation Interactions in a Coupled General Circulation Model.

Bellucci A., Gualdi S., Scoccimarro E., Navarra A.
2008, Climate Dynamics, 31, 759-777

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