COP22 Side Event “Long term strategies: How to achieve long-term transitions towards full decarbonisation – Key issues to implement the Paris agreement”

What we do

The conference will take place on Friday 11 November from 3.00 to 5.30 pm.

The International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) brings together researchers from both developing and developed countries to consider options related to decarbonisation and low-carbon development pathways. Research results will be presented by leading researchers and discussed by a panel of policy and science experts.

Four key issues to implement the Paris agreement
The international debate has shifted to the question of how to achieve low carbon societies. Especially the success of the Paris agreement opened up the gate to a path for transition towards complete decarbonisation involving society as a whole. On the way to a successful completion of this global task, the work and knowledge of the LCS-RNet become even more important.
Therefore, the challenge to promote more concrete and practical actions for long term target achievement has been taken up at this year’s Annual Meeting which addressed the topic “How to achieve long-term transitions towards full decarbonisation?” Its four sub themes reflect the key issues in this regard: a) to tackle any future anticipated non-linearities and disruptive interferences with decarbonisation policies, b) to match strategies for economic and wealth development with the global investment programme of energy transition, climate mitigation and adaptation, c) to align these strategies with the overall sustainable development goals and d) the increasingly important role science has to play in providing well-founded solutions and sound strategies for action.

The LCS-RNet, was of particular importance in the context of the follow-up to the G7 meeting in Elmau, COP21 in Paris and in the preparation process for the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report (due in 2022).

When and Where

Marrakesh, Morocco - COP22 EU pavilion, Room Bratislava - Marrakesh, Morocco - COP22 EU pavilion, Room Bratislava -

11 Nov 2016


Stefan Lechtenböhmer, Wuppertal Institut, Germany [email protected]

Tomoko Ishikawa, LCS-RNet Secretariat, IGES, Japan
[email protected]

Organized by
  • BMUB, Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit
  • Wuppertal Institute
  • LCS-RNet Secretariat

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