CMCC Seminar “Climate change impacts on the marine ecosystem – bridging the gap from ESM projections in ecosystem services”

What we do

The seminar will be held at the CMCC premises in Bologna, Viale Berti Pichat 6/2 – Meeting Room (Second Floor).

Momme Butenschön
Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Bologna

Over recent years, substantial research has been dedicated to investigate climate change in the ocean at global scale with particular attention to the issues of global warming, sea-level rise and and the global carbon cycle. Less focus was given so far to other marine ecosystem services that nevertheless are highly relevant to the human society such as provision of food and other biological resources, tourism, habitat services, etc. This seminar illustrates how ESM projections can be exploited to inform marine policy presenting case studies that illustrate how climate change impacts on marine ecosystem services with a focus on fisheries, carbon sequestration and marine habitat extensions, taking into account aspects of the propagation of uncertainty and amplification/attenuation of change through the marine system.

Working language: English

When and Where

Bologna, h. 11:00 am, CMCC, Meeting Room (Second Floor) - CMCC, Meeting Room (Second Floor), Bologna, h. 11:00 am -

23 Apr 2018

Contacts Organized by
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

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