Short Description
MEDSEA_HINDCAST_WAV_006_012 is the multi-year product of the Mediterranean Sea Waves forecasting system. It is a multi-year wave hindcast starting from February 2006, composed by hourly wave parameters at 1/24° horizontal resolution, covering the Mediterranean Sea and extending up to -18.125W into the Atlantic Ocean. It is produced by the Mediterranean Sea Waves forecasting system, which is a wave model based on WAM Cycle 4.5.4, which has been developed as a nested sequence of two computational grids (coarse and fine) to ensure that swell propagating from the North Atlantic (NA) towards the strait of Gibraltar is correctly entering the Mediterranean Sea (MED). The coarse grid covers the North Atlantic Ocean from 75°W to 10°E and from 70° N to 10° S in 1/6° resolution while the nested fine grid covers the Mediterranean Sea from 18.125° W to 36.2917° E and from 30.1875° N to 45.9792° N with a 1/24° (~4.6km) resolution. The Med-Waves modelling system resolves the prognostic part of the wave spectrum with 24 directional and 32 logarithmically distributed frequency bins.