Short Description
The CMEMS Black Sea Reanalysis physical system is based NEMO v3.4 ocean circulation model, online coupled with a variational data assimilation scheme called OceanVar, able to assimilate temperature and salinity vertical profiles provided by the UK MetOffice Hadley Center, satellite SLA along track data and satellite SST data from CMEMS associated TACs. The model has a 1/36˚ x 1/27˚ regular horizontal grid resolution and 31 unevenly spaced vertical levels.
Product Citation
Lima, L., Masina, S., Ciliberti, S. A., Peneva, E. L., Cretí, S., Stefanizzi, L., Lecci, R., Palermo, F., Coppini, G., Pinardi, N., & Palazov, A. (2020). Black Sea Physical Reanalysis (CMEMS BS-Currents) (Version 1) [Data set]. Copernicus Monitoring Environment Marine Service (CMEMS).