World Water Day 2020: Water and Climate Change

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The water sector feels the effects of climate change. At the same time, better water management can help to tackle the climate change challenge. Our videos and readings to understand this critical nexus.

On March 22, we celebrate the World Water Day, which focuses this year on the interlinkages between water and climate change. “Everyone has a role to play”, said UN Secretary-General António Guterres in his official message. CMCC Foundation recognizes the importance of addressing these topics together: have a look at our contributions to advance knowledge on water and climate change!


The video message by Prof. Antonio Navarra, President of the CMCC Foundation, on the World Water Day 2020

Articles on Foresight – the CMCC observatory on climate policies and futures

The World Water Day is not just about Water

A Bright Future for Solar Powered Desalination

Securing Water in a Warming World


CMCC Scientific Papers

Explore our scientific papers on the Water topic here


CMCC Studies, Projects, Articles 

Rivers: how they contribute to better understand the Mediterranean Sea dynamics

Here is the water of the future: smart, innovative and sustainable. The cost of climate inaction in Italy

Water and agriculture policies design in a changing world

Climate change and land use change: a multi-risk assessment of freshwater ecosystem services

Drinking Europe: the path of water towards sustainability


CMCC Webinars 

Forthcoming webinar – 1 April, 2020 – h. 12:30 CET

GOWARE: An innovative tool for the management of the drinking water resources at European level

Past webinars (videos available)

Droughts and Floods: Complex Interactions in a Rapidly Changing World

Can seasonal forecasts and climate change projections effectively improve water planning?

Climate services for irrigated agriculture

Forecast evapotranspiration: fundamental information for agricultural irrigation management

Water management: innovative ways to assess precipitation distribution

How rivers influence the Mediterranean dynamics?

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