Stories of humans and climate change with Pulitzer Prize winner Kenneth R. Weiss and the renowned journalist Veronica Fernandes in a live streaming Seeds. Words that feed the future event for the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra”.
The improved forecasts for the Mediterranean and Black Seas for Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) realized by a team of CMCC researchers. CMCC bulletins forecasting the dispersion of chemicals and plastic pellets, and the potential behaviour of the oil spill, after the accident and environmental disaster in Sri Lanka. A multilingual adaptation platform just launched that offers solutions for dealing with the predicted impacts of climate change in the Adriatic coast. The CMCC research for marine turtle protection.
The CMCC at the forefront of ocean research and protection: explore the wide range of initiatives, studies, projects and events of the CMCC in the World Ocean Day.
OCEAN | Stories of humans and climate change
Kenneth R. Weiss & Veronica Fernandes
June 8, 2021 – 6 pm CEST | 9 am PDT | 12 pm EDT
The ocean tells stories of climate change. Journalism brings them to the world. Kenneth R. Weiss is a Pulitzer Prize winner for Explanatory Reporting with his work on Altered Oceans, a five-part series – published in the Los Angeles Times – about the unfolding crisis in the world’s oceans. As a writer and journalist, he focuses on science, the environment and public health. On World Ocean Day 2021, he will join a live-streaming and interactive dialogue session moderated by the renowned journalist Veronica Fernandes, that will “immerse” the audience in the deep intricacies of the ocean, revealing how climate change and pollution are affecting it and telling a story grounded in scientific evidence.
A live streaming Seeds. Words that feed the future event for the CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra”.
Predicting the Ocean: improved forecast and new insights for the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Daily bulletins, an increased model resolution, and novel parameterization schemes: new scientific products are used to produce new Mediterranean and Black Seas operational forecasts for Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) by a team of CMCC researchers. Read more
Oil Spill: CMCC advanced research in support to disaster prevention – Simulations for MV X-Press Pearl chemical and oil leaks in support of response and clean-up
When an accident involving chemicals and plastic pellets occurs, forecasting their dispersion and the potential behaviour of the oil spill while understanding in advance where and when it will reach the coastline is crucial to organize an efficient emergency response to limit severe environmental and economic consequences. After the MV X-Press Pearl container ship fire off the coast of Colombo, Sri Lanka, CMCC Foundation and cmcc srl delivered some bulletins forecasting the nitric acid and microplastic dispersion and modelling hypothetical oil drift pattern from the vessel in the period of interest. Read more
Predicting the Ocean for a Sustainable Future: UN endorses CoastPredict
On World Oceans Day 2021, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development announces its endorsement to CoastPredict, the programme that is focused on a predicted global coastal ocean where society understands and can respond to changing ocean conditions. CoastPredict is today included in the first set of Ocean Decade Actions. Read more
Cities on the Adriatic coast at the forefront of climate change impacts
Coastal and river floods, coastal erosion, subsidence, salinization of aquifers, droughts, heat waves: the Adriatic coast is getting ready for the impacts of climate change with new and updated adaptation plans based on scientific evidence. On June 8, 2021, at the conference “Knowledge for Local Resilience”, the Italian-Croatian Adriadapt project coordinated by the CMCC Foundation launches a multilingual adaptation platform that offers solutions for dealing with the predicted impacts of climate change on the area, and presents the adaptation plans adopted by Italian and Croatian cities. Read more
Mysea: CMCC research for marine turtle protection
Cutting-edge sensors, operational forecasts for the Mediterranean Sea, and a dedicated web app able to track the routes of sea turtles and collect key information to monitor climate change impacts on sea turtle habitats and behaviours, in order to design and plan strategies to protect them. Discover MYSEA, a project with the Torre Guaceto Marine Protected Area to create a “Puglia Marine Observatory” for the protection of loggerhead Caretta caretta turtles. Read more