Swarms of activists in the streets worldwide are asking for urgent climate action based on the most scientific evidence. A brief summary of what is happening and where activists and politicians can find reliable (and understandable) guides about what needs to be done.
5225 events in 156 countries on all continents: on September 20 and 27, 2019 cities around the world are being flooded by people of all ages for two Global Climate Strikes, set to be the world’s largest climate mobilizations ever.
Fridays for Future – the famous movement of school climate strikers founded by the 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg – widens its boarders: adults are joining students and walking out of their homes and workplaces to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. Moreover, 6300 websites are green-screening their sites and directing visitors to the climate strike website as part of the Digital Climate strike, and over 2,500 businesses are supporting the mobilizations.
Activists are asking for urgent and decisive action to face the climate crisis. “I don’t want you to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists, and I want you to be unite behind the science” Greta Thunberg testified at the US Congress on September 18. She was referring to the latest scientific outputs of the IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.
Don’t listen to me.
Listen to the science. #UniteBehindTheScience https://t.co/QTUYnn0hJ8— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) September 18, 2019
Indeed, science is clear: we must act quickly. While asking for a prompt policy response, science is also offering a wide range of concrete (and feasible) actions to be put in practice. For those who want to enhance their knowledge on climate change and the future we are shaping, we suggest a series of reliable resources signed “CMCC Foundation” that make available for the general public the main outcomes of the latest IPCC reports:
IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (released in 2019)
- A summary of the main messages of the report on the website of the IPCC Focal Point for Italy (Italian language)
- Webinar “Climate Change and Land – The IPCC Special Report presented to the Italian community” (Italian language)
- Article “IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land just released (English language)
- Infographics (Italian language)
IPCC Special Report “Global Warming of 1.5 °C” (released in 2018)
- A summary of the main messages of the report on the website of the IPCC Focal Point for Italy (Italian language)
- Webinar “IPCC Special Report on impacts of global warming of 1.5°C: An overview of the main outcomes” (English language)
- Italian translation of the Summary for Policymakers (Italian language)
- Article “Dial T For Climate” (English language)
- Infographics (Italian language)
IPCC 5th Assessment Report (released in 2014)
- #Clima2014: tutto quello che c’è da sapere (Italian language)