From science to economy, from policy action to climate change communication. On November 6-18, 2022, Sharm el Sheikh is hosting the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). Follow the events and side events organized by the CMCC Foundation!
Join the CMCC in Sharm el Sheikh at the COP27, the UN Climate Change Conference where countries are gathering to take action towards achieving the world’s collective climate goals as agreed under the Paris Agreement. Have a look at the COP27 side events organized and co-organized by the CMCC Foundation. Some of them can be attended online, just check the information below.
The transmission of climate impacts through international trade: implications for the EU
Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 12.00 – 13.30 GMT (13.00 – 14.30 CET)
Online via Chatham House COP27 Cascading Climate Risks Virtual Pavilion
Click here to register.
The historical evidence and the economic literature confirm that international trade can play an important role in smoothing negative economic shocks experienced by a country. There is, however, a growing body of evidence that trade can also act as a transmission channel for localized crises, especially those affecting major importers or exporters of key commodities. This session will present analysis of these dynamics in the context of climate change, assessing the potential, trade related, cascading macroeconomic and sectoral effects on the EU, triggered by impacts on agricultural commodities, energy demand, and supply chain stresses associated with the interruption of important maritime trade nodes. The effects of these dynamics on food markets will also be discussed, through case studies of international food systems and Brazilian soy.
Francesco Bosello, Senior Scientist, Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change
Emilie Stokeld, Research Assistant, SEI York
Joe Simpson, Research Assistant, SEI York
Richard King, Senior Research Fellow, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House
Rania Zaatour, Postdoctoral Researcher, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
For more information about the event, click here.
IPCC Session on Delivering a Sustainable Future: Feasibility and Policy
Thursday, November 10, 2022 – 13:30 – 14:45 EET Time
COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | IPCC shared pavilion (‘Science for Climate Action’ pavilion)
The session aims to look at the IPCC mitigation pathways and transitioning in the context of sustainable development. It will consider the policies, structures and institutions to realize such transitions.
Chair: Fatima Denton – Chair’s assist: Shreya Some
Explanation from the moderator of what the session will cover and the format – Fatima Denton (WG III Coordinating Lead Author, Chapter 17)
How feasible are mitigation pathways and transitions? – Massimo Tavoni ( WG III Lead Author, Chapter 3) – Virtual Speaker
Transitions in the context of Sustainable Development – Minal Pathak (IPCC WG III TSU Senior Scientist)
Near-term policy to realise the transition: policy structure, carbon pricing, and distributional effects – Navroz Dubash (WG III Coordinating Lead Author, Chapter 15)
What have policies already delivered? – Michael Grubb (WG III Coordinating Lead Author, Chapter 1) – Virtual Speaker
Questions from the floor – All speakers, moderated by Fatima Denton
Closing remarks – Fatima Denton
For more information about the event, click here.
Deep into the Future Planet: Journalism, Media and Narratives of the Climate Crisis
Friday, November 10, 2022, 18:00 – 20:00 EET Time
COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | Italian Pavilion, Blue Zone
Words, data, pictures: how to inform and engage the public? How to increase public awareness of the climate crisis?
CMCC launches the second edition of the international climate change communication award – named after artist Maria Rebecca Ballestra – with a global dialogue among experts, journalists, and media professionals at COP 27. By focusing on examples of climate communication, including journalistic investigation, science journalism, podcasts, magazines, networks, gaming and digital editorial initiatives, CMCC invites authors of local and international projects in the field of climate communication to join the CMCC Climate Communication Award – Maria Rebecca Ballestra – network.
Leo Hickman– Editor in chief Carbon Brief
Elisabetta Tola – Radio3 Rai, author of the podcast “Foresight. Deep into the Future Planet”
James Fahn – Executive Director Earth Journalism Network
Rehab Abdalmohsen – Science journalist and water reporter
Ione Anderson – Co-Founder Grape ESG
Emanuele Bompan – Editor in chief Renewable Matter
Mauro Buonocore – CMCC, Head of Media and Communications
Alessandra Mazzai – CMCC, Coordinator Climate Change Communication Award
Selvaggia Santin – CMCC, Coordinator of Change Game
For more information about the event, click here.
Italy’s 1.5°C national pathways
Monday, November 14, 2022, 18:00 – 20:00 EET Time
COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | Italian Pavilion, Blue Zone
Introduction – Chiara Di Mambro, ECCO
Presentation of Italy’s 1.5°C pathways from the 1.5°C national pathway explorer – Claire Fyson, Climate Analytics
Technical considerations and lessons learnt in view of the implementation of the Fit for 55 package
- Emanuele Peschi, Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
- Marinella Davide, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
Conclusions – Chiara Di Mambro, ECCO
For more information about the event, organized by ECCO and Climate Analytics, click here.
Launching a European Climate Science Assessment Mechanism for Policy Support
Thursday , November 17, 2022 – 16:45-18:15 EET Time (15:45-17:15 CET Time)
Hybrid Side Event, COP27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt | Room: Tutankhamun
We recognize the urgency of actions to address the causes and consequences of climate change as manifested by the recent extreme drought during Summer 2022. Actions in response and to prevent disasters need to be informed by the best available science, whose strategic focus now includes the acceleration of the development and transfer of climate knowledge from research and innovation to policy and decision making in support of climate actions. For this JPI Climate is proposing a new European structure which addresses strategic gaps, and which will significantly enhance the profile and use of the outcomes from European investments in research and systematic observations. This envisions a European scientific assessment/stocktaking process, that is focused on three key interlinked challenges i.e. achievement of
- Climate neutrality
- Climate resilience and
- Management of transition and societal transformation (social & economic).
Frank McGovern, JPI Climate, Chair (Session chair person)
Eamon Ryan (TBC), Irish Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications
Clara De la Torre (TBC), European Commission: Director General Climate Action
Simone Borghesi, EAERE President-Elect, Director FSR Climate, EUI and University of Siena
Phoebe Koundouri, EAERE President, AUEB, Co-Chair UN SDSN Europe
Marinella Davide, Ca’ Foscari University, Harvard University, CMCC and SISC
Massamba Thioye, Executive, Cimate Change Innovation Hub, UNFCCC
Organized by the CMCC, member of the European Joint Programming Initiative JPI Climate, in collaboration with the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC). The COP27 side event is supported by MAGICA project “Maximising the Synergy of European Research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action”, funded by the European Union.
The side event will be livestreamed on the official COP27 YouTube channel. For those attending on site, please kindly note that the side event will be located in the Blue Zone where a specific UNFCCC accreditation is needed.
For more information about the event, click here.