The best available science to address climate change

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CAGLIARI – Sardinia at the very heart of scientific debate about one of the most challenging issues of our time. High-profile scientific talks and multidisciplinary debates with institutions and experts at the regional, national and international level. More than 100 research activities presented, two plenary lectures with high profile invited speakers, for an event organized by ten research centers and universities dealing with the interdisciplinary research on climate change.
The 2016 Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC), on October 19-20, 2016, in Cagliari, at Cagliari University, Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura (Via Marengo 2/Piazza d’Armi). Following this event, the citizens’ dialogue “Addressing the under 2°C target – experiences and good practices at regional level and Citizens’ Dialogue on Climate Change”, within the framework of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) local events Let’s talk about Europe!

International diplomacy adopted an historic agreement to combat climate change, the most important treaty on climate change ever signed to be destined to involve and engage productive sectors, economy, finance, land management and environmental protection, energy production and consumption, food production and security and many other issues relevant at both global and regional levels. According to Paris Agreement, the best available science and the most effective multidisciplinary collaboration of sciences will be essential to analyze challenges, solutions and opportunities that this new international post-Paris context could offer.

In the light of these consideration, the 2016 edition of the Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC) entitled “Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target” has been organized. On 19-20 October, 2016, in Cagliari (Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura premises), an interdisciplinary debate, organized in collaboration with ten research institutions and universities dealing with the study of climate change, will present and discuss more than 100 research projects and activities that explore and examine in depth some global and regional aspects of this challenging issue.

The event will take place on Wednesday October 19, 2016, at 11:00 a.m. with the welcome message of Prof. Donatella Spano, SISC President, Regione Autonoma Sardegna – Ass. della Difesa dell’Ambiente, who will illustrate the importance of the Conference and its relevance for the scientific community and policy makers in the public sector. After the welcome message of President Francesco Pigliaru, the following speakers will attend the event: Micaela Morelli (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Prorettore alla Ricerca), Corrado Zoppi (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Preside Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura), Luca Gabriele Deidda (Università degli Studi di Sassari, Prorettore Vicario), Roberto Furesi (Università degli Studi di Sassari – Direttore di Scienze della Natura e del Territorio).

Everyday a renowned keynote speaker will open the conference, such as Andrea Karpati, Head of Policy at Climate-KIC, Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate change, consisting of dynamic companies, the best academic institutions and the public sector.

On October 19, 2016 (at 12:00 a.m.), following the EU ratification of the Paris Agreement and in the light of its forthcoming entry into force on November 4, 2016, Andrea Karpati will illustrate EU commitments, programs and strategies to bridge Paris Agreement into action, focusing on the cross-sectoral cooperation.

On October 20, 2016, at 8:30 a.m., Fiamma Straneo, senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (USA), the world’s leading, independent non-profit organization dedicated to ocean research, exploration and education, will cover the topic “Melting of Greenland Glaciers: Mechanisms and Impacts”.

The two-day conference is organized in parallel sessions aimed at addressing manifold climate change issues, such as climate change impacts affecting our society, environment, economy, as well as the physical processes or the effects on agriculture and coastal areas, and other relevant topics, i.e. emission-reduction goals and the role of regions in planning and developing effective policies. A workshop section will give the opportunity of a special focus on agriculture; the workshop takes place as part of the SECTEUR project and aims at identifying the climate information needs of organizations involved in agriculture and forestry sector.

Moreover, on September 21st, 2016, Cagliari will host another important event: a citizens’ dialogue organized by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR).  The event, entitled “Addressing the under 2°C target – experiences and good practices at regional level and Citizens’ Dialogue on Climate Change” is organized by the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC), the CMCC Foundation (CMCC) and the Sardinia Region within the framework of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) local events “Let’s talk about Europe!” The following speakers will attend the event: Francesco Pigliaru, President of Sardinia Region and Chair of the Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE) of the European Committee of the Regions; Donatella Spano, Sardinia Regional Minister for the Environment Protection; representatives from the European Committee of the Regions, the European Commission, other European and national institutions, regional and local authorities, which are carrying out significant actions to fight climate change.

WHAT: Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target” – Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences

WHERE: Aula Magna – Facoltà di Ingegneria e Architettura – Via Marengo 2/Piazza d’Armi – Cagliari.

WHEN: 19-20 October 2016

Scientific participation of: CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Università degli Studi di Sassari, CNR-IBIMET– Istituto di Biometeorologia, CNR-IDPA – Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali, CNR-IIA – Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico, CNR-ISAC – Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, FEEM – Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, FLA – Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente, OGS – Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale, Politecnico di Milano.

Event supported by: CMCC Foundation, Università degli studi di Sassari, Università degli Studi di Cagliari.

Sponsor: Lenovo


See the full program: download the Program Book

Info and press office: Mauro Buonocore – cell. 3337045214 – [email protected]

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