The STEM week, organized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), was aimed at stimulating the interest of students in scientific disciplines. A series of initiatives are organized by CMCC to engage students in climate sciences, and provide them necessary tools to understand and address the global challenge of climate change.
From 4th to 11th February 2024, the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) promoted the first STEM week, aimed at stimulating and raising interest in scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical disciplines (STEM). CMCC regularly organizes and joins in initiatives designed to promote climate sciences and the importance of communicating climate change. This commitment involves meetings and visits organized at CMCC, involving students from different schools of various levels.
Here are some of the main activities that CMCC has recently organized.
Climate change school with Focus Junior Academy and CMCC
The CMCC Foundation in Focus Junior Academy, a series of online meetings aimed at enhancing young people’s scientific skills and knowledge on the topic of climate change. Organized by Focus Junior, these meetings are open to all primary and lower secondary schools and provide training on journalism, fake news – a topic curated by CICAP (the Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Pseudosciences) – and climate change, with the aim of providing students with scientific skills, training them in critical thinking, and fostering environmental respect, to build a more sustainable future.
During these meetings on the topic “Planet, nature, people: Climate change”, experts from CMCC discuss the impacts of climate change on the planet, the role of research, the current situations and projections by scientists, as well as ideas and solutions to mitigate these effects and what individuals and communities can do in a simple and efficient way. In 2023, Focus Junior Academy engaged 344 classes, comprising a total of 8.000 students.
More information on Focus Junior Academy 2023 is available here.
Registration for the Focus Junior Academy 2024 cycle is now open.
Bringing climate sciences to local schools
In response to requests from various regions, researchers from the CMCC Foundation engage in various initiatives with schools. The Soroptimist and Lions Clubs of San Donà di Piave (VE) are promoting an initiative that will involve 30 classes in 2024 (primary, middle and high school) in a project describing the human impact on the environment through the experience of the Vajont dam. CMCC will provide teachers with materials, bibliographies, and discussion points for students to address the current climate emergency based on scientific evidence.
The experience builds on the collaboration established in 2023 with the Soroptimist Club of San Donà di Piave, involving 5 classes between high schools and technical schools in a lecture offered by the CMCC: “Ready for climate change?”, which was followed by a group competition for the best essay based on the content presented.
“Science and Citizenship: Together to Address the Challenges of Climate Change” – Ca’ Foscari’s Third Mission Call 2023
The series of meetings titled “Science and Citizenship: together to address the challenges of Climate Change,” led by CMCC researchers, aims to inform and foster dialogue between the climate change research sector and the public. This initiative, involving over 150 participants including students and citizens, supports the advancement of scientifically informed research that addresses societal needs and environmental issues, while also promoting awareness and action within local communities.
The meetings include a roundtable discussion with students at the Scientific Campus of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, educational activities for students on the causes and impacts of climate change in the Venice lagoon, and a public meeting titled “Scientific reflections, action, and artistic connections on climate challenges.”
“Challenge the Secrets of Climate Change!” – Veneto Night
During Research Night 2023 – Veneto Night, researchers from the CMCC Foundation organized a playful activity on climate change involving approximately 30 school-age children. Through a timed quiz, participants – alongside a group of scientists – discovered how life on our planet is changing and how each person can contribute to a more sustainable future.
Courses for Transversal Skills and Orientation at the CMCC in Lecce
CMCC’s commitment extends to training through the Courses for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO). Introduced in 2019 as an evolution of the previous program for combined school-based and work-based traineeships (alternanza scuola-lavoro) introduced by the Italian government, these courses allow the integration of traditional classroom education with training periods in companies, public, or private institutions.
These courses offer students the opportunity to closely experience the daily work of CMCC researchers and get to know the administrative aspects and communication activities at the Foundation. During the school year 2023-2024, CMCC initiated the PCTO courses in collaboration with three high schools in Lecce: Liceo Scientifico Banzi Bazoli, Liceo Linguistico Siciliani, and Liceo Classico Palmieri, involving a total of 33 students. For example, some of these students actively participated in the General Assemblies of projects in which CMCC is a partner, supporting logistics and interacting with researchers from international institutions.
From 2020 to 2023, Courses for Transversal Skills and Orientation that CMCC participated in involved a total of 83 students from high schools in the Lecce area.
In addition to PCTO, CMCC regularly organizes school visits to its Lecce headquarters to present the Foundation, its research activities, and inform young people about topics related to climate change and climate research.
Through these initiatives, CMCC aims to be a focal point in promoting environmental awareness and scientific research among younger generations, thereby contributing to building a more sustainable future for all.