A major issue in Italy and at the international level. The most advanced scientific research and the international studies realized by the Italian scientific community. A dialogue between scientists, economists, stakeholders, practitioners, business leaders and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies. A rich program based on science and including events for schools, public opinion, the media, art, local authorities and administrators. The 2019 SISC conference is organized in collaboration with the Autonomous Province of Trento and the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, with the support of MUSE, Edmund Mach Foundation, Bruno Kessler Foundation, University of Trento, Trentino School of Management and Trento Film Festival.
“ClimRisk19 | Climate Risk: implications for ecosystem services and society, challenges, solutions” is the title of the SISC Seventh Annual Conference, taking place on October 23-25, 2019 in Trento, Italy, at Autonomous Province of Trento premises. A three-day rich programme inspired by the multidisciplinary dimension of the climate change issue.
More than 160 proposals received for scientific presentations – the abstracts accepted by the scientific committee will be collected and presented in 11 parallel sessions -, 3 world-renowned keynote speakers to take stock of the research on climate sciences, the strategies of adaptation, methods and solutions to address, manage and prevent climate-related natural hazards. The plenary sessions will have as keynote speakers James Painter, Research Associate at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK, where his main research interests are the portrayals of climate change in legacy, digital-born and social media around the world, and environmental communication in general; Carlo Buontempo, who is deputy heads of Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at ECMWF while coordinating the activities of a number of international contracts working on the interface between climate science and decision making in sectors ranging from energy to city planning; Annapaola Rizzoli, who leads the Research and Innovation Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation while dealing with sustainable development in the field of Agri-Food, Health and Environment.
“The 2019 edition of the SISC Annual Conference – explains the SISC President Silvio Gualdi – wants to highlights the strong connection with the territory. We collaborated from the beginning with the institutions and research centers based in Trentino region while identifying the main topics of the conference and side events. It’s very important to highlight the local dimension of climate change. It’s a global issue that causes impacts and risks at the local scale, affecting the life of entire communities. We collaborated with many actors of the region, such as the Autonomous Province of Trento, the MUSE, the Edmund Mach Foundation, the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the University of Trento, Trentino School of Management and Trento Film Festival. So, the event is well rooted in the reality of this territory and is able to create connections with the institutions focused on the study and research on climate sciences”.
On October 25, 2019, the conference will host three side events in which the scientific communities will dialogue with the civil society. Comunicare il rischio ambientale: i media, il clima, gli eventi estremi (h.10.00-13.00 Sala del Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini, Trento) is the title of the event focused on the role of the media and journalists with the participation of the journalist Elisa Dossi, Silvio Gualdi, SISC – Società Italiana di Scienze del Clima President; Paola Mercogliano, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali and CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change; Roberto Poli, Cattedra UNESCO sui sistemi anticipanti, Università di Trento; Laura Zumiani, Trento Film Festival; Paulo Lima, Fellow of Ashoka Italia and Associazione Viração Educomunicação; Lucilla Galatà and David Tombolato, MUSE; Giancarlo Sturloni, NatCom – Communicating nature, science & environment, author of the book “La comunicazione del rischio per la salute e per l’ambiente” (Mondadori Università). The full programme is available here.
I servizi climatici per la riduzione dei rischi da eventi estremi (h.10.00-13.00 Sala Belli, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Trento), is an event mainly addressed to users, decision and policy makers, stakeholders of the public and the private sector. The event will present the potential of climate services to support local adaptation and risk management. The full programme is available here.
Cambiamento climatico e paesaggio delle Dolomiti (h. 15.00-17.30 Sala del Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini, Trento) is an event organized by the Autonomous Province of Trento, Trentino School of Management (TSM-STEP), Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO, SISC and CMCC Foundation, with the participation of Mario Tonina, Vicepresidente e Assessore all’Urbanistica, Ambiente e Cooperazione della Provincia autonoma di Trento; Sabina Zullo, Presidente TSM-Trentino School of Management; Michele Lanzinger, MUSE Museo delle Scienze; Mita Lapi, Fondazione Lombardia Ambiente (FLA) e Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima (SISC); Marco Ciolli, Università degli Studi di Trento; Annibale Salsa – Comitato Scientifico tsm-step Scuola per il governo del territorio e del paesaggio; Giorgio Tecilla – Osservatorio del Paesaggio della Provincia autonoma di Trento; Marcella Morandini, Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO; Roberto Barbiero, Osservatorio Trentino sul Clima, Provincia autonoma di Trento (moderator). The full programme is available here.
SISC side events will be held in Italian language and are open also to participants who are not registered to the SISC Conference. Registration to each event is required and free of charge.
Giornata al MUSE di studio e formazione per i docenti e gli studenti delle scuole (h 10.00-18.00 MUSE-Museo delle Scienze): laboratories, dialogues with experts and events at the museum to explore the issue of climate change. The full programme is available here.
The SISC Annual Conference is at the center of a series of events organized in the framework of Trentino Clima 2019, to be held on October 23-26, 2019. A series of conferences, workshops and shows. The issue of climate change is at the center of a series of initiatives in Trento, among them the SISC Annual Conference and other side events.
Website: www.sisclima.it/conferenza-annuale-2019
What: “ClimRisk19 | Climate Risk: implications for ecosystem services and society, challenges, solutions” – Seventh Annual Conference of SISC – Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima
Where: Autonomous Province of Trento, Piazza Dante 15, Trento
When: October 23-25, 2019
The event is organized by SISC – Società Italiana per le Scienze del Clima in collaboration with the Autonomous Province of Trento and the CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, with the support of MUSE, Edmund Mach Foundation, Bruno Kessler Foundation, University of Trento, Trentino School of Management and Trento Film Festival