On World Oceans Day 2021, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development announces its endorsement to CoastPredict, the programme that is focused on a predicted global coastal ocean where society understands and can respond to changing ocean conditions. CoastPredict is today included in the first set of Ocean Decade Actions.
CoastPredict – Observing and Predicting the Global Coastal Ocean, the programme that wants to “redefine” the coastal ocean, has received today the endorsement the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
In the context of global celebrations for World Oceans Day, UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission announced the first Actions officially endorsed as part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, 2021-2030 (the “Ocean Decade“).
From restoring the Great Barrier Reef to mapping 100% of the ocean floor in high resolution, these innovative programmes and contributions make up the first set of Ocean Decade Actions that will contribute to fulfilling the ten Ocean Decade Challenges and help deliver the ocean we want by 2030.
“The actions of the Decade are the tangible initiatives that will be implemented around the world over the next ten years to realize the vision of the Decade. They focus on advancing and applying knowledge to support the development of sustainable solutions,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay.
Subject to a competitive selection process with hundreds of applications, the endorsed Actions were selected for their focus on solutions and ability to accelerate the generation and uptake of ocean knowledge for sustainable development; for their use of innovative technology; for their transdisciplinary efforts to co-design solutions between scientists and users of ocean knowledge; and for their respect of inclusivity, empowering women, early-career professionals and indigenous knowledge holders across their activities. (the full list HERE).
CoastPredict will transform the science of observing and predicting the Global Coastal Ocean, from river catchments, including urban scales, to the oceanic slope waters. It will integrate observations with numerical models to produce predictions with uncertainties from extreme events to climate, for the coastal marine ecosystems (their services), biodiversity, co-designing transformative response to science and societal needs. CoastPredict will re-define the concept of the Global Coastal Ocean, focusing on the many common worldwide features, to produce observations and predictions of natural variability and human-induced changes in the coastal areas and upgrade the infrastructure for exchange of data with standard protocols.
The Chair of the Programme CoastPredict is Prof. Nadia Pinardi, renowned oceanographer of the University of Bologna and member of the CMCC Strategic Board; Giovanni Coppini, Director of the CMCC scientific Division ‘Ocean Predictions and Applications” is among the members of the Steering Group of the Programme.
Since the start of its open consultation, in February 15, 2021, more than 250 scientists, practitioners and managers from academia, government and the private sector from 36 countries have endorsed the initiative with signatures and comments.
Synergistic and co-designing international programs: GOOS, IODE, IODE/GOOS OBPS, OceanPredict/COSS-TT, CEOS-COAST, WWRP.
The full list of the first endorsed Decade Actions following Call for Decade Actions No. 01/2020 is available HERE
World Oceans Day official website
Find out more: http://oceandecade.org