Orientgate, the project coordinated by CMCC and aimed at integrating science into planning policy, successfully concluded its activities. As reported in the final issue of the newsletter (available online here), the project produced up-to-date climate knowledge for use by policy makers, such as urban planners, nature protection authorities, regional and local development agencies, and territorial and public works authorities.
The Guidelines on Integrating Climate Change Knowledge into Planning are also available, and a web-based data platform is accessible via the Orientgate website and is connected to the EU Clearinghouse on Climate Adaptation in order for the knowledge gained during the project to be available in years to come and have the widest possible reach.
OrientGate has been able to connect climate change policy planners and decision makers with the communities that produce climate knowledge. The project has explored climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities and has contributed to a better understanding of the impacts of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agroecosystems.
The Orientgate final newsletter celebrates success while presenting and discussing outputs and results.
- Download the newsletter Climate Gateway – Issue 6 (pdf)
- For more information, visit the page of the project available at the CMCC web site
- Visit the Orientgate Project web site