Negative emissions technologies are the new frontier of the European environmental policy. The LONETA “Local opportunities for negative emission technologies and their application” project is designed to create a reciprocal and self-sustainable partnership between Italy, Albania and Montenegro by fostering early-stage and pilot investments on negative emissions technologies in the area.
The project, funded by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme and coordinated by the CMCC Foundation, was officially launched on 16th June 2021 through the organization of a hybrid opening Conference. Participation was ensured both in presence in Tirana and online.
This 1st Plenary conference set the scene for the creation of a collaborative space on negative emissions technologies among stakeholders, companies and authorities from the involved countries and contributed to the mutual learning process of this enlarged network, thanks also to the participation of key experts on this specific issue.
After a general overview on the importance of negative emission technologies for a climate neutral society, experts from national ministries, academia and private sector presented good practices and opportunities for NETs in the forest and marine sectors. This fruitful debate will guide the interactive stakeholder mapping, where interested institutions will define their contribution to the development of a cooperation network for NETs in the programme area.
For more information
Download the conference agenda (June 16 2021)