Lessons to be learnt about environment and finance. A speech by Domenico Siniscalco

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According to economists such are Thomas Friedman, George Akerlof and Robert Shiller, there is something that the financial crisis and the environmental crisis have in common: they both are global crisis and they both can be interpreted using the frame of human behaviour. In other words, we can consider the excess of consumption of the western world and its bulimia of resources and finance among the causes of both the financial and environmental crisis.

Domenico Siniscalco, Vice-President at Morgan Stanley, says in his speech at 2009 International Energy Workhop in Venice

siniscalco - iew09

Domenico Siniscalco’s presentation at 2009 International Energy Workshop – Venice 17-18-19 June 2009

The 2009 International Energy Workshop’s website

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